6 Factors to Consider When Choosing a Roof for Your Home

The roof is an integral part of any building. Choose the right kind of roof, build it and keep it in good condition, and it will be able to protect your home from the elements for many years to come. Poor installation and allowing it to fall into disrepair means your home’s structure and interior will suffer. Before you start building your roof, it’s important to spend time carefully considering its design. Below are six factors you need to bear in mind when thinking about the roof of your home.

1. Design

There are a variety of designs to choose from including mono-pitch roof, duo-pitch roof, hip roof, mansard roof, and a flat roof. Personal preference and aesthetics come into play when determining which is best, as each has its own pros and cons.

2. Durability

Of course, you want your roof to be as long-lasting as possible, but the durability of any roof is very much dependent on the type of materials that have been used to build it. The materials used have to be durable, or there is no point in using them! Take flat roofs, for example. These have to be constructed using a two-layer membrane that is of a certain thickness and is correctly installed. Using the services of a professional roofing contractor is the best course of action.

3. Weather

When choosing a roof for your home, you need to take the weather into consideration. It will need to be able to withstand rain, snow, strong winds and sunshine of varying degrees, depending on where you live. A sloped system is the best option if rainfall is high, whereas a flat roofing system is more appropriate if you live in an area that’s hot and dry.

4. Cost

The cost of the project is going to be an essential factor, and you should take into consideration not only the price of the materials but the cost of installation and maintenance as well. If you want to save money in the future, you’re advised to look for easily available materials that suit your budget.

5. Materials

There are many different materials to choose from which can make it very difficult. The best way to decide is to think about your requirements and select a material that suits them all rather than being swayed by one particular aspect. The critical thing to remember is that you’re going to have to live with your decision for many years to come, so it’s vital you make the right one.

6. Installation

So you’ve picked the best design, decided on the most efficient material and now you’re faced with the installation. The most effective way to prevent a poor installation is to hire a professional roofing contractor. If you live in South Carolina, Big Bear Roofing are roofers Charleston SC that specialize in repairs and replacements.

One last tip is to remember to factor the maintenance of your new roof into the equation. Even if your new roof is covered by a warranty, it will still need to be maintained.

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