Coloring your Kitchen – How to choose from limitless options

You would think it’s not a problem anymore in these days to choose a color as there are endless possibilities to pick from. The problem, however, is making that decision from so many. Compounding the dilemma, you are now faced with choosing the color of the kitchen! So how do we narrow these colors down? How do we Avoid a bad kitchen colour choice? Well, keep on reading to find out.

Do NOT leave this decision until the very end

– Look at the general scheme of the house you are building. Ask yourself how many colors do I want to put in here? Remember, good focal points and continuity across all your rooms’ hinges on using a specific shade of color all throughout, whether as an accent or as the main color. Ensure that you are making the decision and taking into account the entirety of the design language.

Think about how the kitchen is going to FLOW relative to other components

– Nowadays open-plan kitchens are more common as these project more space in your house and add value. It is quite common for a single kind of tiling or flooring to find across all the rooms. You also need to consider cabinetry, your accents and again more common these days, the color of the ceiling! As the decision maker, you have to take into account all of these in order for you to make a decision regarding the color. Look at STAPLE items in your property and it is generally a good idea to use the predominant color of these items as your base color.

Backsplash and Countertops

   The colors of these two items in your kitchen will pretty much be the dominant pieces that will draw the eyes so these will be KEY to choosing your kitchen color. You can base your choices and make them revolve around this two factors. Remember when we talked about the kitchen flooring, cabinetry, and ceiling? This would be a good time to tweak how the backsplash and the countertop are gonna relate to the colors of these parts? Remember that you can either contrast them against these backdrops OR make them merge with them, depending on how dramatic you want them to be. Again you can use these to decide how much OR how less of a contrast you want to achieve.


    In order for your backsplash and countertop to be the ones that draw attention and be the vessels for the palette that you are envisioning, choose a neutral color for the Cabinetry. Neutral can be different depending on each person. For some, it would be shades of white to grey or for some, it could be shades of grey to black. It doesn’t really matter because its purpose would be to become your base color.

Look at It Virtually

    Another thing we can do right now is to have a rendering of the actual room done virtually in 3D and you can actually have a virtual tour and see how your choices of color pan out. Now, this would be as close as you can get to have it finalized before spending a dollar on a drop of paint- This would help you avoid a bad kitchen color choice.

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