Tips on Avoiding Fires in the Home

Your home is where you make memories. It provides protection against the elements and you’ll want to make sure you’re doing everything in your power to ensure that comfort is being maintained. You’re also supposed to ensure that safety is being guaranteed in the home. Avoiding fires should be one of the main priorities. There are some measures you should put in place to avoid fires in your home and we’re going to highlight some of them.

Test Smoke Alarms Regularly

Smoke alarms are the first line of defense against fires in the home. If they’re not functioning then it will be hard to detect the fires when they’re happening. It is imperative that you’re making sure the smoke alarms are working. Most modern smoke detectors will come with a smoke test system. All you have to do is to press the button. If it is not functioning, the problem could be the battery. Make sure you’re consulting with an expert if the smoke detector is not functioning as it is supposed to.


Inspect Heating Sources

If the heating sources are not working at optimum capacity, they could trigger a fire to happen. It is recommended that you do an annual inspection of all the heating sources. Doing it on your own will not be as effective. The alternative would be to look for an expert to help with the inspection. There are some things you can do as a homeowner to ensure that everything is in working order. You can change the filters on a regular basis. The manufacturer specification will be clear on how often the filters will need to be changed.

Keep Your Oven and Stove Clean

You don’t have to worry so much about the stove combusting while cooking. The only thing you should seriously be considering is cleaning the oven and the stove on a regular basis. You also don’t want to place the curtains near the stove as that could increase the likelihood of them catching a fore which could be disastrous.

Always Check The Dryer

Regardless of the dryer that you have, it will need to be inspected on a regular basis. It is not uncommon to be in a hurry when doing the house chores and to forget about inspecting the dryer. Don’t forget to check behind the machine to ensure there are no pieces of clothing sticking.

Maintain Cords

Before you can decide to use an appliance in the home, make sure that the cords haven’t been frayed or chewed. Damage wires should be replaced as soon as possible. Make sure to check the cord placements. There are occasions where they’ll get hot and you need to be careful about the usage to avoid problems down the road.

Caution With Candles

There is no denying that everyone loves scented candles. That is why they get bought a lot around the holidays. If they’re not used properly, they could result in a fire. It is imperative that you’re putting them out once you leave the room. It can be easy to forget when you’re intoxicated.

Be Careful With the Fireplace


The fireplace will keep you warm during winter but will need to be handled with care to avoid any fires. You don’t want stray sparks to get to other parts of the room. Once the ashes have been thrown away, make sure to provide enough time to let it cool down.

Have a Fire Extinguisher

Having a fire extinguisher is always recommended as you can never know when you will need it. It is also important to make sure it is functioning as you don’t want to be caught in a situation where there is a fire that needs to be extinguished but the appliance is not functional. If you’ve been a victim of a fire, you’ll want to hire a fire investigator to get to the bottom of the problem.

Storing Flammable Products

Flammable products will need to be stored carefully. Cosmetic items and cleaning products tend to be highly flammable and will need to be properly stored. Avoid putting them near heating sources. They will also need to be checked regularly to ensure that there is no potential threat to the whole family.

To sum it up, avoiding fire in the home will start by taking a proactive approach to home maintenance. Avoid situations that could put your home in direct danger. The family will also need to be trained on the right practices when it comes to avoiding fires in the house.

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