What Are The Signs That I Need A New Roof?

What Are The Signs That I Need A New Roof?

The roof is one of the most crucial and functional parts of a home. However, it is still one of the most overlooked areas of the home. The roof is subject to regular wear and tear due to its constant exposure to the elements. Failure to address issues with the roof can result in significant problems for you and the rest of the house. Your roof plays two very important roles; protecting you and your property. An old and damaged roof not only exposes you to potential hazards but it also compromises the structural integrity of your home. 

If you have an old home or suspect that your roof might be in need of replacement, you may want to seek professional assistance like the one provided by these roofers in Toronto. Otherwise, you can do your initial assessment, so here are a few signs that you need to look out for:

1. The Age of the Roof

While different types of roofs have varying service lifespans, most range from 20 to 25 years. If your roof is more than 20 years then it is highly likely that it may be in need of replacement, even though it might appear to be in good condition from the ground. This is especially so if your current roof was installed over another pre-existing layer(s).

Regardless of the fact that the average roof lifespan is 20 to 30 years, this doesn’t mean that you should wait until this time to have your roof inspected. Pundits recommend having your roof inspected at least once every year to maintain it in proper condition and ensure that it serves its expected lifespan. 

In case you bought your home in a development project and have recently noticed that your neighbours are starting to replace their roofs, then this is a very good sign that you should also replace your roof. This company offers quality yet affordable replacement roofs Leeds.

2. Curled Shingles

You should also check your roof for any curling shingles. These are shingles whose edges are turning upwards(cupping) or shingles whose edges are flat but the middle part is protruding up. Both types of curling indicate signs of weathering damage. If you notice curling shingles on your roof, then it might be due for a replacement in one to five years.

3. Missing Shingles

Missing shingles is another sign that your roof might be past its time. Depending on the number of missing shingles, this might be a sign that your roof has undergone significant damage and is starting to fail. 

4. Cracked Shingles

Exposure to elements such as wind can cause the shingles to crack. If you only notice one or a few cracked shingles in one isolated area, then you can just replace them. However, if you notice cracked shingles all over your roof, then you should definitely consider replacing your roof.

5. Damaged Flashing

If your home is old, then it is highly likely that the flashing around your chimney, vent, and skylight is made of cement and tar. This flashing helps to protect to seams of the roof against rain and other weather elements. Cement and tar flashing is more susceptible to damage and it might need to replaced with more durable and water-tight metal flashing. You need to inspect these areas for any signs of cracks or breaks. 

6. Sagging Roof

If your entire roof is sagging, then you don’t need a better sign that your roof is in need of replacement, and soon. A sagging is worrying as it might be an indication of a structural issue. You should immediately call a roofing expert as soon as you notice that your roof is sagging.

7. Sunlight Penetrates Through Your Roof

If you can see light peeking through your attic, then this is a clear sign that your roof is suffering from leaks. As a result, rain, snow, and cold air can easily leak through your roof causing additional damage to your home. Minor leaks can be patched, however, if the damage is extensive, then you might need to replace your entire roof.

So, there you have it, some of the most common signs to look out for to know if your roof is in need of replacement. However, remember that it is still crucial to have your roof regularly inspected and maintained, regardless of their being noticeable signs or not.

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