What to Do If Your House Has a Leak: A Guide

As much as you may do everything in your power to keep your house in good condition, there’s always the chance that something could go wrong.

Sometimes, this can be easy to fix, such as if you have a door handle that creaks when it opens. Other times, however, it can be a lot harder to deal with. One common home issue that many people experience is that their house may have a leak. We’re not just talking about a small leak like a tap that drips – we’re talking about a massive leak. These types of leaks can cause a lot of damage to your house, so it’s vital that you know how to deal with them. Luckily, this post is here to help. 

Get the right equipment

If you will be fixing the leak yourself as well as cleaning up the mess yourself, you need to start by getting the right equipment. Of course, this means getting the right plumbing tools to help you seal the leak, but it also means getting the necessary cleaning equipment if the water is all over your house. Have a look at water extraction equipment if this is an issue you are dealing with. 

As tempting as it may be to just jump right in and start cleaning your house and trying to fix the leak, you probably won’t get far if you don’t have the right equipment. 

Fix the leak and clean your house

As you can imagine, once you have all the equipment, you can get started on the bigger tasks like actually fixing the leak and cleaning up the water. 

We recommend starting by fixing the leak since it doesn’t make sense to clean your house while there is still a leak, since this will simply mean more work for you. Keep in mind that you don’t have to do all of this by yourself if you don’t want to – you can always get a professional to help you.

That being said, if you do decide to do it yourself, you may find it helpful to look at these plumbing tips if you don’t have much experience with plumbing.

Contact your insurance provider

Finally, if you have home insurance, get in touch with your insurance provider to find out whether they will cover any of the damages that occurred due to the leak. Whether they do will depend on various factors such as what type of insurance you have, what the policy states, how the leak came to be, and how much damage was caused.

So, there’s no guarantee that your insurance will pay out for a leak, but it’s worth a try. You also need to be aware that there are certain things that could invalidate home insurance, so even if your insurance would ordinarily cover a leak, there are times when they may not. You can read more about these things here if you want to ensure that you aren’t accidentally invalidating your home insurance.

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