3 Ways to Create a Minimalistic Home

Whether you’re determined to live a Zen lifestyle, or whether you’re just sick of all the clutter, you will stand to reap a host of benefits when you decide to create a minimalistic home. Embracing the ways of the minimalist when it comes to your home design is not as simple or as straightforward as it may appear, however. It’s not just about throwing out all of your old junk in a bid to free up space around your home — it about using the space that you have in a productive fashion.

If you find it difficult to create a truly minimalistic home, then make sure to check out the three pieces of advice on the matter laid out below.

Fill your home with essentials

Again, this isn’t a task designed to see you throw out all of your worldly belongings in a bid to free up space around your home. The true meaning of minimalistic is making full use of what you do have, which is why your first task should be to fill your home with essentials. Quite simply, if you don’t need it, bin it. If you do need it, however, keep it. Whatever you do, just make sure you make use of what you do keep going forward!

In order to determine what appliances, pieces of furniture, and belongings deserve to stay in your home and which of them may, on the other hand, have overstayed their welcome, you need to perform an inventory count. This means taking the time to conduct a thorough search around your home, checklist in hand, in order to take notes on the usefulness of everything that you come across. Remember, in this instance; you should value quality over quantity.

Clear your surfaces… and keep them clear

If there’s one trait all minimalistic homes share, it’s the fact that the surfaces found within them are clear. They aren’t inundated with junk, cluttered with useless documents, or stacked with books — they are clear, save for a decoration or two. One of the most important tasks that you face when seeking to embrace the minimalist way of living, then, is to have your surfaces cleared and to then ensure that they are kept that way.

Pay attention to your flooring

Your flooring choices will go a long way in deciding whether or not your home is truly minimalistic, so you must not make any decision with regards to them lightly. You should ensure that your floors accentuate your minimalist look, not divert attention away from it.

Some of the best flooring decisions you could make in this instance include:

Having engineered wood flooring fitted — by having Kahrs flooring fitted, especially, your floors will look pleasantly clean at all times, and the grain pattern of the hardwood planks will make for a subtle appearance.

Consider concrete — concrete floors, be them polished or plain, make any room look both ultra-modern and minimalist.

Have a marble hallway — floors of the marble variety have the uncanny ability to look both luxurious and simple at the same time.

In order to create a minimalistic home, you need to put the above advice into practice.

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