7 Ways to Save Energy Around the Home

With bills on the rise and paychecks continually struggling to meet the demands of the cost of living, finding ways to save money is always at the forefront of people’s minds. One way to save money especially in your home is to look at how much energy you consume. The amount you use might actually surprise you and making some small changes could bring those bills down. There are several things that you might not even be aware you’re doing that could lead to an increase in energy bills, so identifying the source of the overuse can help curb that spending.

If you’re looking to save money in the long run, check out some simple ways to save energy, which is the leading cause of higher household costs.

Choose a shower over a bath

Baths take up tons of hot water to get them filled up, and this uses not only your boiler energy but also your water too. Choosing a shower over a bath each day will help you save costs, or instead of filling up the whole tub, you should settle with half.

Install new windows

The benefits of installing double glazing are ten-fold, and you’ll certainly notice a difference straight away if you had draughty old windows previously. The initial outlay might be substantial, but the energy and cost savings will have a positive effect on your bills.

Avoid using a dryer

Whenever you can, put your clothes outside to dry instead of turning on your dryer. Dryers zap tons of electric when in use so this will help save on bills, plus if the weather is nice, your clothes will smell fresher.

Unplug anything that isn’t in use

Many people often leave things plugged in that they are not using. Most often these are small things such as mobile phone chargers or lamps, but if it is switched on, it is still discharging some energy, and however small, this could lead to higher bills over time.  

Seal draughts

Draughts are one of the most common ways to lose heat in your home so sealing them up can help regulate the temperature and keep the boiler from firing up more regularly. Common places that you might need to seal draughts include large keyholes and around external doors. You should also check your chimney – if there’s a draught coming through, you could stuff a pillow up the chute.

Don’t block radiators

It can be difficult to place furniture around radiators and heat sources if you have a small room but if you completely block them in, you will be heating the back of the furniture. Allow some room in between to let the air flow freely and ensure the whole room feels the benefit.

Service the boiler

Once you have a new boiler installed, you need to maintain its efficiency with regular services. This will check everything is in working order and fix anything that may crop up. If you forget to get it checked out annually, you may end up with a more significant bill for repair later on.

There are tons of ways to save energy throughout your home, and these little changes can make a whole world of difference to your outgoings each month.

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