How to Get Your Home Winter Ready

Unless you want to experience all of the cold of winter, it is important to prepare your home for upcoming chilly temperatures. That’s why you must ensure you identify and execute the best ways to warm up your property for the colder months ahead. Find out how to get your home winter ready.

Inspect Your Pipes

Cold temperatures can play havoc with a property’s pipes, so it is worthwhile inspecting them before the winter season arrives. This will ensure you do not experience an unwanted pipe burst come January. If you do notice potential problem pipes, use a heat tape to keep them warm throughout the winter. Also, make sure every family member knows how to turn thewater off at the source, if the worst should happen.

Install Radiators

Don’t allow cold weather conditions to impact your home. Install vertical or horizontal radiators to heat up your home, so you can provide the whole family with a cozy retreat away from the harsh weather conditions outdoors. Visit Warmrooms to find the best radiators for your taste, budget, and interior design.

Clean Your Chimney

It is vital you thoroughly inspect and clean your chimney before the cold snap arrives, as this will ensure you can crank up the fire as soon as the bitter weather sets in. Hire a professional to review the chimney to ensure your home is winter ready.

Pile Up the Firewood

Are you lucky enough to have a wood burning fire? If so, it is vital to stock up on firewood before the cold weather strikes. Use various hardwood to create a fire, such as maple, beech, elm or oak, as they are excellent sources of firewood for long-lasting fires, and they should be at least a year old.

Add Insulation

Create a warm, energy-efficient home by incorporating insulation into your property. For example, you can invest in cavity wall insulation, door insulation and double or triple glazing for your windows. You should also hang insulated curtains across your windows, which you should close every evening to keep the cold weather from making its way into a room.

Seal Leaks

It is important to keep drafts at bay throughout winter, or your room’s temperature will pay the price. Add weather stripping around your windows and doors to plug any unwanted drafts, and use caulking to fill any gaps in your walls and windows. This will block the entry points for cold air and the exit points for warm air so that you can enjoy a warm home throughout the season.

Reverse Ceiling Fans

Ceiling fans might be your best friend in winter, but they’ll be just as loyal in winter, too. Utilize the fan’s reverse switch, ensuring the blades operate in a clockwise direction, as it will create an updraft to push down the hot air to prevent it rising escaping through a ceiling, so it is an ideal heating solution for rooms with high ceilings.

Do you want to share your winter warming tips for the home? Write a comment below.

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