There are many style options to consider when remodeling the kitchen of an historic home in the Boston area. Whether your kitchen is in disrepair, or you’re simply looking to update the aesthetics of your home, historic homes are the perfect canvas to design either a sleek yet welcoming modern look, or a cozy, classic atmosphere. Your kitchen is one of the most important rooms in your home. It must feel natural, comfortable, and reflect your own personal aesthetic.

During the last several hundred years, kitchen design has evolved from a simple fireplace hearth to a complex area full of tools and technology to provide a highly efficient, intuitive cooking and dining experience. Which style do you prefer for your kitchen? Classic or modern? Here are two examples of both styles to assist you in deciding exactly how you would like to approach your upcoming kitchen renovation.
Modern vs. Classic – Which is Right for You?
It’s tough to decide on a style to choose when you’re preparing to renovate your kitchen! You may be leaning toward something more classic and timeless that does not go out of style based on trends, yet still retains the appeal of a historic Boston home. On the other hand, you may wish to integrate more modern elements into this room, such as sleek appliances and a fresh coat of a popular color of paint. As you decide on which route to go, you must first establish your familiarity with the key criteria of either style.
A classic kitchen, as previously mentioned, is explicitly designed to remain in style for decades. Part of the core appeal of this kitchen style is its timelessness. The flexibility of the design elements in a classic kitchen fits into several time periods. The “classic” trait is strongly influenced by the color scheme, flooring, and cabinetry, and incorporates the following elements into the design:
Natural materials, like wood. Wood can be used to build the cabinetry or flooring. The color and texture you choose can play a significant role in the overall atmosphere of your kitchen. (For example, your choice of wood can mean the difference between a classic farmhouse or more of a rustic style.)
Simplicity: Your kitchen should have a somewhat open layout, maximizing the available space. You or your designer should aspire to simplicity, specifically when choosing cabinetry, aiming for functionality over aesthetics. (This is not to say that aesthetics should not be a priority, but that it should not be treated as the focal point of the kitchen.)
Neutral colors. The use of neutral colors in a classic kitchen is, fortunately, not strict. However, this style primarily benefits from splashes of whites, greys, and creams. These colors are great for highlighting the natural light that shines into the space.
Modern kitchen styles capitalize on the “sleek” look of all appliances and cabinetry. Everything must look cohesive, with smooth, geometric lines and minimal distractions. In fact, the central theme of a modern kitchen is just that: minimal. A modern kitchen is distinguished by:
Ease of use: Touchless appliances (i.e., automatic faucets and hands-free trashcans) are quite popular in modern kitchens. Everything is about minimalism. You want to have as few needless components while you exert as little effort as possible as you work in the kitchen.
Colors that pop: Contrast is vital in modern kitchens! You can choose to land on either side of the spectrum, with vibrant reds and yellows, or opt for darker colors like blues and greens.
So, which style is right for you? Take a look at the examples below to see which most aligns with your personality and preferences.
1. A Modern Spectacle with Just a Touch of Antiquity
Many historic Boston homes feature traditional brick architecture, some dating back hundreds of years. You don’t want to hide this beautiful aspect of your home, nor do you want the new design of your kitchen to clash with it. Whether the brick on your home has the rich, eye-catching red characteristic of the Brown House (circa 1698), for example, or the mottled coloring which the Robert Treat Paine Estate is known for, your kitchen must seamlessly align with the aesthetics of your home to create a consistent style.
To achieve this look, first, confirm that there is a brick wall or another brick feature in your kitchen. This feature will be one of the primary focal points of the room. You can open up the space nearby this brick wall by reconfiguring the layout of the kitchen furniture and integrating appliances and décor to frame and draw attention to this wall. (To incorporate a modern look that matches the historic feel of the brick, choose bronze or galvanized metal appliances.)
The best paint colors to pair with this kitchen style include chestnut, terracotta, and stone. If you’re feeling adventurous, you can achieve a bit of contrast by opting for darker, earthy shades of green or a blue-gray color!
2. A Tale of Two Times: Merging Old, Classic Styles with Present Trends
Kitchen renovation doesn’t restrict you to only choosing the color palettes and materials that are popular right now. You can still choose to integrate technology and modern design features while maintaining the atmosphere of a traditional home. How can this be done? Design choices that focus mainly on the inclusion of wood– such as chestnut flooring, alder cabinets, and richly-colored, hand-glazed tile – can easily make even the largest kitchens feel warm and homey.
If you choose to go this route, it’s crucial that you select the right paint colors that complement and enhance the appeal of antiquity. Neutral or earthy tones are great for this style of kitchen, particularly colors like honey, amber, and even beige, complemented by eggshell or pearl.
No matter what style of kitchen you choose, you can rely on the advice of your local painting experts to ensure that your kitchen will look even better than you imagined. Around here, we rely on the Weston, MA kitchen painting services provided by Catchlight Painting to guarantee beautifully painted walls that perfectly complement the atmosphere of our historic Weston home.