10 Home Improvements You Should Consider for Increased Energy Savings

 Whether you’re concerned about your rising electricity costs or increasing consequences of climate change, making certain home improvements can help you curb your energy demands.

 In addition to lowering your energy bills, improving energy efficiency also plays a key role in reducing your carbon footprint. In this post, we’re sharing some changes you can make around your house. Take a look.

1. Consider Installing a Solar Panel

Are you entirely dependent on your energy provider for your electricity and gas needs? With the ever-rising energy rates, you are probably stuck with skyrocketing bills every month. Cut-back your energy costs by installing solar panels. There is an abundance of sunlight and it doesn’t cost a thing! So make the most of this renewable energy.

 Furthermore, you can take an additional step towards a sustainable lifestyle by switching to a renewable energy plan. Check out Origin electricity plans to find a “green plan” for your home.      

 2. Maximise Natural Light

Even if you’re unable to spend on a solar panel, natural light can still help you save more. Start getting more tasks done during the day so that you don’t have to turn on the lights. During colder days, open up the blinds to let sunlight in. This will illuminate your house as well as make it warmer.

3. Add Another Layer of Insulation

Apart from lowering your everyday energy consumption, it’s equally important to minimise energy loss. Adding an extra layer of insulation in vulnerable areas of your home is a reliable way to retain heating and cooling. You should specifically focus on crawl spaces, attics, basements and garages.  It would also help to weatherproof your doors and windows.

4. Replace Outdated Thermostat

Are you tired of constantly adjusting your thermostat? It may seem mundane, but monitoring and dialling back your thermostat can make a noticeable difference in your energy consumption. Make things easier for yourself and invest in a smart thermostat. A programmable thermostat will help you maintain an economical temperature without any hassle.

5. Use Smart Power Strips

Similar to adjusting the thermostat, it can be inconvenient to unplug and re-plug appliances to prevent phantom energy loss. How else can you stop phantom devices from wasting energy? Install smart power strips that automatically cut off power when such appliances are not in use.

6. Invest in Energy-Efficient Appliances

Old or damaged appliances can take up more energy to get the job done. Firstly, you should keep up with routine maintenance to optimise your appliances. Secondly, it would be beneficial to replace outdated appliances with energy-efficient versions.

7. Install Low-Flow Bathroom Fixtures

It can be difficult to monitor and lower your water use. Install low-flow bathroom fixtures to converse water.

8. Keep Air Vents Unobstructed

Furniture or anything blocking air vents may force your HVAC system to work harder. Make sure the space around the vents are clear and free from any such obstructions.

9. Choose Efficient Lighting

Light fixtures are used every day, all year round. Then why are you still using inefficient incandescent and halogen lights? It’s absolutely worth it to spend a little more and replace such fixtures with LED lights. Apart from being energy-saving, LEDs also last a lot longer.

10. Conduct an Energy Audit

If you’ve implemented a lot of changes, but your energy bills are still high, you should consult an energy auditor. By conducting an energy audit, you can discover your home’s shortcomings, leading to rising energy costs. A professional will also suggest ways you can improve your energy efficiency.


Final Words

You may have to spend extra on energy-efficient lighting fixtures or smart upgrades, but these improvements will pay for themselves in the form of major energy savings in the future.


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