3 Tips For Keeping Birds Away From Your Home And Outdoor Living Space

While having birds around your property can be a good way to keep other pest populations in check, if you start to have a problem with the birds in your area, like you’re having too many pigeons congregate around your home or can’t keep bird away from your pool or patio, you might be needing to find some way to keep these birds at bay.

To help you see how this can be done, here are three tips for keeping birds away from your home and outdoor living space. 

Make Predators Appear Close

The birds that you’re having big issues with likely aren’t anywhere near the top of their food chain. And in most cases, you can take advantage of this fact to discourage birds from spending too much time around your home. 

If you can determine what kind of bird is pestering you, you can find out what predators they are afraid of. Then, you can get a fake version of the predator to put around your home or other property areas. For example, if a snake or an owl is a predator to the birds bothering you, purchase a fake lawn ornament of this predator and place it near the area where you want birds to avoid. When the birds see this snake or owl, they’ll find another place to land so that they can protect themselves from the harm this predator could inflict upon them. 

Scare Them With Shine

Another way you can scare birds away from your home and property is to use something shiny to keep them clear. Not only are birds scared of things that shine in the light, but the shine coming off of these items can hurt their eyes and make it physically hard for them to get too close. 

Some shiny items you could hang up around your property could include tin foil, balloons, old CDs, pie plates, and more. As long as it’s something shiny that will catch the light, it should do the trick. 

Discourage Them From Landing

If birds don’t have a safe place to land on your property, they’ll soon find another place to congregate. 

To make your home a place where birds don’t want to rest, try by putting something on the surface of whatever place they normally land. Baking soda or something sticky is unpleasant for them to feel on their feet, so sprinkling this around can be very effective. You could also string up some thin wire above the area, which can make it hard for birds to actually fly in that area and cause them to go somewhere else. 

If you’re having issues with birds taking over your outdoor space at home, consider using the tips mentioned above to help you deal with this problem. 

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