5 Tips to Dealing with Stinging insects on your Property

Having pests around the house can be such a nuisance. You need to address this problem as soon as possible, or else more areas of your property will be affected. But these insects, even though they sting, are still good to have around. Why? Because they pollinate flowers and prey on garden pests. You only need to know how to deal with them so that they don’t wreak havoc in your home. First, you have to know what type of pests you have around and then look for the proper way to prevent them from ruining your property. Petskilled.com is an excellent source of information on the different kinds of pests and how to correctly deal with them. Check out an in-depth guide to getting rid of the stinging insects such as the yellow jackets on their website: http://pestkilled.com/how-to- get-rid- of-yellow- jackets/. They say, too much of a good thing is wrong, so, too many stinging insects equates to annoying pests. For you to live in harmony with these stinging insects in your property, read on for tips on how to deal with them.

1. Prevention

Starting mid-spring, you can check for nests of these stinging insects. Knock them down with a pole or use a water hose to wash away the nests with a strong jet of water. These insects are in abundance during the summer months. They usually build their nests or hives in nook and crannies such as under the gutter, eaves of the roof or crooks of tree branches.

Some stinging insects such as the yellow jackets live on the ground so better watch out for those while mowing the lawn or gardening.

2. Divert

Before these stinging insects join you in your picnic, you can set lures for them far from your picnic area to divert them. You can also put your garbage cans far from your picnic table. Stinging insects seem to be attracted to the spilled sweets and food in the trash. Cover all food outdoors. Also, avoid excessive use of sweet-smelling perfumes and colorful clothing which can attract stinging insects.

3. Remain calm

If you come in contact with a stinging insect, it is best to slowly and calmly move out of its way than shoo it away to avoid getting stung. Stinging insects such as the yellow jackets will sting to protect themselves and their colony.

4. Clean and organize

Find the nesting areas of these stinging insects but be very careful when doing so. These insects usually build their nests in crevices, attics, building corners, under gutters or patio decks. Make sure to seal exterior cracks that you find to prevent these insects from building their nests or entering your home. Some stinging insects such as carpenter bees can destroy wood and can cause severe structural damage if not prevented.

5. Hire a professional

Before things get out of hand, you can hire a professional on pests. These pest professionals can identify the type of pests and can tell which are dangerous or which can pose as low hazards. After identifying the pest, then they will apply the proper treatment, elimination or prevention method for the specific pest. A new technique practiced by pest professionals called integrated pest management involves removing the pest’s basic needs such as food, water, and shelter. This may be done by cleaning up and sanitizing your outdoor areas.

Stinging insects are not only annoying to encounter but are potentially dangerous as well. Hopefully, with the few simple tips offered above, threat to health and property loss can be prevented.


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