6 Tips for Beginner Gardeners

Not everybody is born with a green thumb, and sometimes it takes a little practice before you can become a great gardener. While it can be challenging at first, the more you learn, the easier it will become! In this article, we’ll talk about six tips that are perfect for beginner gardeners. 

 Know what plants like 

Every plant is different, so it’s only natural that each of them thrive in different conditions. One of the most important things you need to do when starting to garden is to learn about what each plant likes. For example, some prefer to be in direct sunlight, other’s shade. Some, like lots of water, other’s only a little. By knowing what likes to grow in what condition, you’ll avoid any plant fatalities and be on your way to a thriving garden. 

 Don’t be afraid to start inside 

Sometimes, the best way to start gardening is to start indoors. This is because you are more likely to check on your plants and maintain them on a daily basis. Urban gardening is popular because you can also grow items in small spaces, including your city apartment. 

 Use compost 

Plants love compost, and adding it to your garden can help keep your produce thrive. Not only is it a great way to add nutrients into the soil, but it’s also a great way to reduce your waste! Start with a small compost or even a worm farm to see how things go. The earth will be loving you for it. 

 Remember to weed 

There are many different types of weeds, and some might even look like flowers. However, you should aim to remove them as frequently as possible. Weeds compete with neighboring plants for nutrients, so your beautiful flowers might not flourish as well with them present. Make sure you get a good garden set so that you can remove weeds easily and quickly. The last thing you want is them taking over your garden! 

 Learn to be patient 

Growing any type of plant doesn’t happen overnight, so you need to learn to be patient. It might take a few days before you start seeing your seeds turn into sprouts, so don’t be alarmed if nothing happens right away. You also want to make sure that you don’t overwater because you are worried, nothing is happening! 

 Label everything 

When you first start gardening, it’s easy to forget what you planted, and they don’t always look like what you have imagined. As soon as you plant something, try your best to label them. This way, you know exactly what your garden is growing, and what it doesn’t like. You can get labels that stick directly into the pot, or ones that attach the side. The choice is yours!

 And that’s it! While it might be disheartening when you kill a few plants here and there, don’t give up! With a little practice, you’ll be on your way to being a master gardener in no time. Good luck!

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