Polished Concrete Floor Vs. Epoxy Coating Floors

Polished concrete flooring is an environment-friendly and affordable flooring option. The concrete surfaces are quite rough, but it is possible to use polishing machines to create a surface that is smooth, shiny and polished. On the other hand, epoxy coated floors have their own benefits, so it is possible to feel confused when you have to make a choice.

To choose between the decorative concrete and epoxy flooring in Tampa, be sure to pay attention to the following points.


Concrete Flooring

Here are some of the main benefits of this flooring type:

1. No scratching or peeling off, only shiny and even surface

2. Reflects light off the surface by 100%

3. Low growth or piling of dirt and waste

4. Solidifies the concrete surface by at least 40-50%

Epoxy Flooring

Epoxy coating being the oldest, is the most popular and widely used type of commercial flooring. It is a blend of two chemicals, one which is a hardener and second is resin. Due to the chemical bond between these two materials, a strong, durable and superb quality coating is achieved. Here are few benefits of epoxy coating

1. Enhanced light reflection (up to 300%)

2. No chemical reaction even when something is spilled over it

3. Longer shelf-life

4. Blends with concrete and cement very easily

5. Slip and water-resistant surface

6. Prevents chipping or cracking

Comparison Between Concrete And Epoxy Coating 

Both polished and epoxy floors have their benefits, and hence we need some determining factors to choose which one you want to go for. Here are some comparisons that will help you –

1. Longevity Of The Surface – This will tell us which floor can last longer without maintenance for quite some time.

Polished concrete comes in different levels for industrial coating. They have varied sheens and filters for different purposes. The filters or refinements define the life of the floor. A refined and well-polished surface lasts for up to 10 years or more. Even if it has to be overhauled, the cost is very minimal.

On the other hand, epoxy coating requires more installation cost than the polished concrete floor. The longevity varies from 3-5 years depending on the purpose for which it is used. For example, if the usage is heavy, the longevity will reduce. The renovation or repair of epoxy surface requires extensive work and can be costlier than the initial investment cost itself.

2. Look And Feel

Polished concrete surfaces are very appealing and look pleasant. They don’t need much maintenance and look clean for a longer time. On the other hand, epoxy coating requires regular cleaning. If there are any damages and the flooring starts chipping off, it can be an extremely bad sight to look at, and heavy on the pocket to replace.


3. Strength To Bear Heavyweights

Polished concrete surfaces have more strength to bear a lot of heaving machine movement, whereas, epoxy flooring is more susceptible to damage when extensive weight is put on it.

4. Ease Of Care

With polished concrete, you need not worry too much. They can be cleaned just with water. To maintain the shine for longer periods, you can just add some shining agents on to the water. Auto scrubbing at regular intervals is a good option depending on the level of wear and tear. In case of epoxy coating, you ought to add additives like detergents or cleaning solution to completely remove dust and piles of dirt. If the surface starts peeling or scrapping, it is difficult to maintain the surface.

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