Tips in Making Your Home Cozy

Whether it’s an apartment or a house you live in, it’s always a very good feeling when you walk into a cozy home. There are several big as well as small ways you can turn your home into a very cozy place. The easiest way you can begin doing this is by adding a few accessories that have your own personal touch such as scented candles and so on.

The weather can also dictate your home setup. In the summer when it’s blazing hot outside, a cozy home would be one that’s minimalist and breezy. However, when it gets chilly, having those few layers back for warmth will equal coziness.



Anyway, here are a few tips you can use to make your home that little bit cozier.

1. Updating Your Beddings

For those hot summer months, crisp linen and cotton are what’s most ideal, however, when the colder winter months kick in then you might want to consider going for flannel beddings. During these cold times, drop your sateen sheets and replace them with jersey or flannel sheets because these hold warmth better. While at it, the addition of a throw blanket or quilt at the foot of the bed wouldn’t be such a bad idea as well. They come in handy on those extra cold nights.

2. Consider Soft Lighting

Sometimes nights will get dark earlier than usual in some parts of the world. In those times, going to sleep at around 7 pm can be really tempting for most people. Fitting warm-toned LED lighting in your home for that candle-lit glow tone which is really cozy and will help you resist this urge. However, avoid trying to do this by using harsh overhead lights. Soft lighting can help keep you awake comfortably.

3. Display Your Memories

Okay, maybe this won’t technically make your home a lot cozier but the mindset it brings is what provides that coziness. A wall full of great photographs that mean a lot to you or a mantel filled with your holiday cards is sure to give you a warm, cozy feeling in your heart which will inadvertently give you the mindset of a cozy home. If you need help, ideas from could help.

4. Using Warm Colors

Although for furniture it’s great when you use neutral shades, it’s a very good idea if you can also incorporate warm colors as well. This doesn’t have to be too hard. You can use them on your walls, in your accessories or on the furniture itself. Warm shade, color tones like oranges, browns and reds alongside the neutral tones can transform your home into a cozy one.

5 . Mixing Your Patterns and Styles

Try focusing on just around two patterns or styles and then mix them up in each of your rooms. This makes your home feel a little more personalized which inevitably translates into a more cozy feel to the home.

Making your home cozier doesn’t really have to be that hard. You can do it all by yourself. Hopefully, this article has shown you where you can start. It all really depends on you and what you want for your home to feel like. The power is now in your hands.

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