What to do if you’re setting up a home office

Many of us have the chance to work from home – and, if you decide to do this several times every week, then you may opt to set up a dedicated office space within your space. So, to do that, there are a few changes you may need to make to do this.

There are numerous items that you need to consider, so you can be comfortable and productive in this environment. What are they, though? Here’s just a few of the tasks and considerations you should think about when you decide to set up your own home office.

Have proper lighting

The sun’s natural light increases creativity and gives you energy so, if you can, try to place your desk as close as you can to some natural light. You could consider a seasonal affective disorder lightbox if you can’t do this, which will replace what the sun can do, and could improve your creativity and mood.

Poor lighting can also make you look unprofessional when you’re on a video call. It’s best practice to have a light source shining in front of you and behind the camera – so you may need to move your workspace for these calls.

Use energizing colors

What shades are in our environment will have an effect on our productivity, focus, and energy. Usually adding greens and blues create a soothing, calming place that boosts harmony and lowers stress. Bright colors generate energy and optimism – so try yellow, orange, or red. Don’t overuse colors in your space, though; use these to compliment neutral shades.

Use plants

Including plants can help to create a relaxing environment that boosts air quality. That’s because they can produce oxygen while getting rid of harmful toxins. They can also add a calming touch to a window or wall when having video calls, too.

You could think about going one step further and enjoy working in your own garden office. Doing this means that you can appreciate the view and find the benefits of your plants there.

Keep time

People who are in a home office are more likely to overwork compared to those in a traditional work area. So, you should track time when you’re in the office, with either your phone alarm or a wall clock. This will prompt you to effectively break up your day, maintain an excellent work-life balance, plus keep regular work hours. There’s also research that says you’ll be more productive when you get up through the day – and these rest periods can improve your focus.

Decide what you need

The type of work you do will decide what you need in your office. A consultant may require a meeting area for clients, for example, while a graphic artist could need a large table for artwork. So you should have a detailed list of exactly what you must-have for your requirements – and make sure you do this before you claim an area within your home, which may be only just about adequate for your demands.

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