10 Tips to Find Construction Workers

Are you contemplating where to find construction workers? Hiring construction workers is not a walk in the park, especially when you don’t know where to start. The good news is that there are many places to find qualified construction workers.

As the backbone of construction firms, construction workers can influence the success of any project. That’s why you should hire people with the expertise to fulfill your clients’ needs. You can use tools like Bridgit to review the skills you need for every task. Check out their guide about construction manpower planning if you are interested in this topic.

In this guide, we explore the best tips to find construction workers with the qualities you need. Keep reading to gain more insights into the hiring process.

Where to Find Construction Workers

When recruiting construction workers, you should look for them in the right places. Here are some of the best places to find skilled employees for your construction business.

1.    Construction Job Boards

Hiring construction workers through job boards is becoming increasingly common. A report by the EC forecasts that the number of construction companies recruiting workers through job boards will rise significantly by 2030.

However, finding skilled workers in general job boards can be quite tricky. The best way to find construction workers is by posting your jobs on specialized platforms. You’ll get connected with workers looking for jobs in the same industry.

Some of the best construction job boards include:

2.    Employee Referral Programs

As an employer, you can use internal referral programs to fill up open positions in your company. Most construction companies use referrals to hire employees. According to FMI, over 68 percent of construction firms hire workers through internal referrals.

If hired, referred workers tend to stay longer and usually have a better understanding of a company. So, you’ll not spend a lot of money to train such employees. Introducing bonuses and cash prizes will encourage current workers to find new skilled workers.

3.    Career Page on Your Website

If your company website lacks a career page, you need to add it for hiring purposes. It’s one of the cheapest ways of finding highly-skilled workers. However, most construction businesses don’t know about this, losing the chance to find reputable workers.

After adding a career page on your website, post the open positions in your company. Use the SEO keywords that the job searchers can use to find your job posts in search engines. Remember to include all the information about the open positions.

4.    Former Employee Circles

Did you know that your former employees could become your next employees? As a company, you should always be ready to recruit ex-employees already familiar with your business. Notify them about job openings in your construction company.

If not rehiring, former employees can also recommend other people who can do the job correctly. They are likely to know other workers with the skills you need to fill the open positions. So, it’s better to keep in touch with all your top-performing ex-employees.

5.    Construction Staffing Agencies

If an employee quits at a time needed most, you shouldn’t rush to hire another worker to fill the open position. Otherwise, you may end up making a mistake that will cost you. Thankfully, construction-specific staffing agencies can help you fill the position.

The staffing agencies can quickly find a worker to temporarily work for you as you look for a qualified permanent employee. Also, you can use the opportunity to test out the temporary worker. If they are highly resourceful, you can hire them permanently.

6.    Community Businesses

Besides posting job openings on the internet, you can also hire skilled workers in the community. All you need to do is design an eye-catching flyer to advertise the open positions. The flyer should be simple, bright, and large to make it more conspicuous.

The flyers should also specify the skills needed for a particular task. Place the flyers where you believe the task force you need will hang out. Such places can be your local supply stores, restaurants, and businesses located near construction sites.

7.    Professional Networks

Do you have a vast professional network? If so, let everyone in your network know that you are looking for construction workers. Describe the job openings in your business and the skills required to fill up the open positions.

Some of the people you can talk to about the job openings include vendors, customers, and former colleagues. You can also pass the message to your construction association members. Construction trade shows are also a great place to find construction workers.

8.    Social Media Platforms

Social media platforms are one of the best places to find construction workers for your business. Such platforms include Facebook, Instagram, LinkedIn, and Twitter. You can share your job openings on these platforms.

With LinkedIn, you can quickly find employees in other construction firms. You can also use Facebook to target employees in competitors’ firms, recent graduates, and students in trade schools. However, you need to engage the users more frequently.

9.    Collaboration with Other Contractors

If you network with contractors managing a big team of employees, you can hire some of their employees when the need arises. It’s the best way to find construction workers when you experience a surge in workload.

When handling big projects, you can team up with other contractors to share their workforce. By doing so, you’ll reduce the costs of hiring new qualified employees. Also, you don’t need to find work for workers when you complete the project continually.

10. Construction Job Fairs

You can also find construction workers in events like job fairs in your region. Ensure that it’s construction-specific to find the kind of employees needed quickly. Many job seekers usually attend the job fairs, and it’s a perfect opportunity to meet them.

Check the colleges’ and universities’ websites in your area to find out if they have such job fairs. If so, you need to prepare in advance to make the most out of it. Also, print a few business cards, brochures, and a list of open positions in your company.

Final Words

It’s no doubt that recruiting construction workers can be quite overwhelming. But with these ten tips, you can quickly find construction workers with all the skills you need for particular tasks. That will increase your company’s productivity significantly.

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