5 Warning Signs for When It’s Time to Have A Tree Cut Down

Trees are beautiful, and everyone loves them. They are a significant part of the ecosystem. A natural resource that adds to the beauty of nature and our lawns, home of many living organisms, gives us oxygen and many things.

We can say that trees are blessings on us by God himself. The tree in your backyard is a part of your life, and it grows with you; it shows up in your pictures and memories. It has been with you for so long that it’s like family to you.



Trees are durable and can live long for decades, but Like all living organisms, trees also have a lifespan, and when a tree reaches near its end when it’s dying, it could be a severe threat for your family members and your house.

We must take steps to minimize the casualties, and we have to put the tree out of its misery by removing it. It’s hard to let go, and it feels like saying goodbye to an old friend. But the more you put off the removal of the tree, the more dangerous it can become. The falling branches can damage your cars and home, and the tree can fall on you or someone else.

There are various reasons you might have to cut down your tree. Sometimes there are natural reasons, or it could be other reasons like if it got damaged by lightning or a storm. If the tree cannot recover and the damage is beyond repair, it’s better to cut down the tree.

A tree can have a lot of life in it but might look dead or look healthy from the outside, but its trunk could be hollow. It isn’t easy to know the health of a tree just by looking at it. A tree expert or a tree cutting service can be a great help.

But how do you get to know it’s time to cut down a tree, and who can do the job for you? If you are not an expert, you can’t tell the tree’s health, but by observing some visual and physical signs, you can tell if you need to get your tree cut down. The following, we have discussed the warning signs you need to look for and hire a professional tree cutting service.

Fungus growth

Fungus growth is a factor that you need to observe closely; it’s a sign of a slow death of your tree. Fungal growth occurs around the dead or rotting matter only. So if you see fungus like mushrooms growing around your tree, it’s a sign that your tree is dead or is slowly dying.

Growth of moss can also be observed, but it’s not a problem. The real problem is the growth of fungus on the branches and around the tree. The fungal growth usually starts at the bottom affecting the roots and the base of the tree, and then moves up to the trunk and branches.

Leaning trunk

Leaning the trunk is a clear sign of the weakness and the near end of your beloved tree. If the trunk is damaged like missing branches or pests can be observed on the branches, it can lead to structural issues, can hollow the trunk, and can cause it to lean towards your house. The health of the trunk helps support the structure of the tree. If you see the bark is falling off and there are cracks in the trunk, it indicates a weak and dying trunk that can collapse at any time and can damage your house or the people and property around it.

Loss of leaves and branches

A tree is said to have a hard time when it starts to shed large branches. It is dropping the dead parts to gather energy for the healthy parts and nourish them. The falling of large branches can cause severe damages. When a tree is weak, the leaves can tell you a lot about it.

You will find the leaves to be fewer than the nearby trees. And if the tree does not shed its leaves in autumn, it’s a sign that the tree is struggling to stay alive. However, if your tree lost a large branch, it doesn’t necessarily mean that your tree is unhealthy. A healthy tree can also drop a branch suddenly; an expert can differentiate better.

Root damage

Root damage can be a significant problem and a big reason to have your tree cut down. The rotting of the root can damage the tree’s base, and since they are responsible for keeping the tree firm and upright, the rotting can cause it to fall and cause more damage.

You might observe some holes in your lawn, which indicates that your roots are rotting. You will see the growth of more mushrooms over the dead roots. On the other hand, the growth of the roots may cause damage to your house. And if the roots have started to appear on the surface, It can lead to various other problems.

Branches overhanging on your property

The above, we discussed some of the natural causes related to the health issues of the trees, and why you have to cut them down. There could be other reasons that could lead to the removal of your tree. A tree needs to be cut down if the branches are overhanging on your property, as it increases the risk of the branches to fall and damage the house during storms or cause water clogs leading to leaks in your ceilings. Sometimes there is no need to remove the entire tree and working with Clarence tree pruning experts will be your best option. Tree service experts can prune the trees damaging your property with minimal damage and advise on how you can make sure there are no issues in the future.

 However, if the branches are small, you can save the tree by getting the branches trimmed by a tree pruning specialist. But if it’s a big tree and leaning towards the house, you have to cut it down. It can cause problems in the future if the tree is near the power lines or leaning towards it.


Above, we discussed the signs to know when it’s time to cut down a tree. Observe the factors we mentioned and then make a decision. Always consult an expert who can tell you about the health of your tree and hire a professional tree cutting service as the process of cutting down a tree is not that simple as it seems.

Top Cut tree services is a tree removal company that offers pruning and tree removal service in Sydney. The company also offers tree trimming, firewood supplies and stump grinding services in residential and commercial areas. Visit their website to check out their services. 

The professional tree removal services are there for a reason. We know it’s a difficult decision to make as trees provide the aesthetics we need in our lawns, and you love your tree, but if it’s time, you have to say goodbye.

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