There are many cigar enthusiasts out there. Maybe you are one of them and you just received a box of quality cigars from your friend. But where would you store them? It is a common misconception to think that cigars will remain fresh inside their factory packaging even after a long time. Sure, those packaging will be enough to keep your cigars fresh for a few days. But they must be moved to an ambient environment before they lose the original “taste”. Refrigerators are not something you should look for. Cigars need a temperature of 70 degrees and an RH (Relative Humidity) of 70%. Cigar humidors provide such ambiance as well as some distinct functionalities. This article will help you pick your cigar humidor.
The size and capacity of cigar humidors vary wildly. There are humidors that can store as little as 3 cigars and as many as 1000 cigars. Usually, the average cigar humidors have a capacity of 25, 50, 75, or 100 cigars. You have to first decide your perfect size. That depends on how often you smoke, the size of the cigars you smoke, the number of cigars you usually keep with you. Yes, the size of cigars may vary also depending on the brand. For example, the classic toro cigar is 6 inches long with about 52mm ring measurement. They will take more space than typical Robusto cigars. Therefore, your favorite brand of cigars should also contribute to your decision process. It’s always better to have around 20% of empty space in your cigar humidor. It will ensure superior air and humidity circulation. So, also keep in mind this extra space.
The humidor materials have a significant impact on the humidor’s ability to sustain temperature and relative humidity. Also, there are worms and tobacco beetles that might harm your cigars. Some materials might prevent them. So, choosing the right material for your cigar humidor is important too. Cigar humidors are usually made out of hardwood like solid cedar or composite wood with a layer of hardwood inside. Keep in mind that pure hardwood humidors are comparatively expensive but they will keep the right balance of moisture inside them. Spanish cedar wood is the best for cigar humidors which have the best environment for cigars. Spanish cedar provides the best protection from worms. But they are the most expensive.
There are different humidification systems for cigar humidors. Many humidification options are available as foam, beads, humidity pouches, or crystals. Some contain especial humidification units that are needed to be refilled with water or other solutions. Electronic refrigeration system is also an option. Some models of humidors also have a temperature meter which shows the internal temperature. Also, make sure the cigar humidor can be sealed properly.
A trendy and handy cigar humidor for 25 cigars can cost around $30. There are also options for thousands of dollars. The price is often dependent on the capacity, finishes as well as the cooling system. Which one you will choose is a question of your budget and requirement.