3 Innovative Ways to Improve Your Home This Summer

As the new year is fast approaching, now is the perfect time to consider your new-year resolutions and how you’re actually going to stick to them this time. From eating more healthily to even cleaning your house more regularly, forgetting that you’ve chosen to make these changes in your life is often a common result in most households.

But why not stick to it this year. Make 2018 the real year for change. Spruce up your life and your home with that dream gazebo you’ve always wanted, or show it off with the increased number of social gatherings you promised yourself you would host. Either way, don’t say no to home improvements this Christmas. Treat yourself.

Solar Panels

As a country known for its high sunshine hours, one of the most effective home improvements you could make to your home this new year is the installation of solar panels. With an average of 7 hours per day of exposed sun, solar panels will save you an extortionate amount of money.

As well as this, it is a significant way in order to reduce greenhouse gas emissions and the world’s overreliance on fossil fuels. So, if you care about your environment, there really isn’t a better option. Make this long-term investment and consequently, you will benefit substantially from it in the future.

Garden Gazebo

Have you ever found yourself wanting to relax in your garden on a beautiful summer evening, but never felt as though it is private enough to do so? It really isn’t pleasant when you’re trying to enjoy a quiet glass of wine on your patio when you spot the glaring eyes of your neighbours from their opposing window. To avoid this problem, and the inevitably awkward chats that should follow, I’ve got the perfect solution for you.

With 22 years of experience in the trade, Aaron’s Gazebos offers a wide range of beautifully crafted shelters that ultimately provide your home with functionality, style and value. As you can see, these gazebos have a unique design, perfect for concealing your intimate gathering of friends or set of patio chairs away from the eyes of your neighbours.

Got Kids? Install a Play Ground

As the finishing touch to your newly refurbished garden, why not create an additional safe space for your children (if you have any) to play. As the adults relax under the shelter of the gazebo, produce a distraction in order to minimalize the breaks in your relaxation through the construction of a fancy, flash play area.

Why not take it one step further by even saving money and building it yourself. With endless possibilities, you and your children can enjoy some quality bonding time, putting together a variety of pieces of equipment in order to allow all the members of the family to benefit from the home improvement this year. For inspiration, or even some simple ideas for kids of all ages, click here.

So, if you’re tired of looking out of your back windows and seeing an empty piece of land waiting to be built on, or are fed up receiving high priced electrical bills from the kids staying indoors and boosting up your home’s energy usage, then why not take the advice of this article. Go big this Christmas and finally stick to your new year’s resolution of home improvements.

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