5 Benefits of Frameless Glass Partitions

5 Benefits of Frameless Glass Partitions

After many hours of searching the internet for information about how you could improve the working environment for your employees, you have finally decided that glass partitioning is the way to go.

Framed glass partitioning and frameless glass partitioning are the two available options you find. They both look appealing to you, and it is hard to pick a clear choice.

If this is a problem you are currently experiencing, we have done the research and solved it for you. Read on to find the benefits of choosing frameless glass partitioning for your office :

1.  Durability

The material that is used to make frameless glass partitions is weather resistant as well as non-corrosive. Framed partitions come with steel frames that can be corroded when they come into with water for many years.

Getting rid of this corrosion may be an expensive and noisy affair that will interfere with the work of the employees.

2. Logo Design

Companies change with time. It is not uncommon for a company to rebrand and change their logo. This modified logo will need to be fitted on the glass partitions of particular offices.

A frameless glass partition presents a larger surface area to fit the logo and, leave enough room for the title of the office.

You can even add eye-catching artwork on the glass.

3. Attractive and Stylish

Frameless glass partitions are easier on the eyes than framed glass partitions. The steel frame is an excellent choice for the frame, but it downgrades the overall aesthetic appeal.

The frameless glass partition will give your office a simple and elegant look.

4.  More natural light

Natural light is good for the eyesight. Exposure to light from bulbs for an entire day can lead to bad vision in the long run.

On the same point, you can save a significant deal on electricity by eliminating the need for bulbs during the day. This saved amount can be channeled to other departments, like marketing, that will lead to the business acquiring more clients.

The frameless glass partition allows more light in the office than a framed glass partition. There is no point in the office where the natural light is blocked.

This can be crucial for an individual who likes to keep plants in different corners of their office. The plants will always be able to receive maximum light.

5.  Security

Contrary to popular belief, frameless glass partitions are very secure. They come in thick glasses that are not easy to break. Many companies are using thick glass windows for their dedicated computer network room.

The steel framework used in framed partitions, however, can become compromised by specialized drills. The frames can be a weak point. A thick frameless glass partition can be used to avoid this.

In conclusion, while the framed glass partition is better and more aesthetically appealing than the standard office partitions, the frameless glass partition outdoes them both. The most salient benefit is that it ensures more security to the information and products stored in particular areas in the office.

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