5 Tips to keeping your home free of allergens

Being a place where you go back to after a long day, your home is an important part of your life and should be kept under high levels of hygiene at all times. Allergens are carried through the air and into your home and can easily settle on furniture, floors, among other surfaces. Indoor allergens which include mold, dust mites, and pet dander can be a great source of allergies for the occupants if care is not taken. Below are 5 tips for minimizing indoor allergens, and ensuring that you breathe clean air.

Frequently change your bedding

A lot of allergens settle on items such as pillows, mattresses, rugs as well as your household furniture. To protect yourself from inhaling allergens in the bedroom, encase your bedding such as mattresses, and pillows with allergen-proof or dust mite covers. Wash your sheets and pillowcases at least once a week to prevent dust mites. This will not only help reduce your chances of inhaling the allergens while you sleep, but it also prevents you from getting sick. It also ensures that you get a good night’s sleep.

Clean your home

Because surfaces in your home can easily keep dust and other allergens, the best way to control indoor allergens is by getting rid of any dust. Allergens like dust mites love dusty areas which are conducive for their living. Exposure to dust mites can cause asthmatic and allergic symptoms.

cleaning with cloth

Clean the dust by using a damp or cloth that traps dust and wear a dust mask when cleaning. Also, declutter your home and get rid of any items that can store dust. Clean your floors thoroughly to help cut down on allergens. Vacuum areas that accumulate more dust, such as the carpets with a HEPA filter to avoid sending dust particles into the air which can be inhaled.

Regulate humidity levels

Check the humidity levels in your home using humidifiers. A lot of humidifiers add moisture to the air, which prevents dryness. But, you need to check the humidity levels to prevent the growth of molds and mildew and accumulation of dust mites where they can thrive. A humidity meter is the best to use to watch the humidity in your home. Also, for the bathrooms and kitchen which are exposed to dampness, paint the walls with mold-resistant paint. You can also use a fan after taking a shower or bath which helps the bathroom to dry fast.

Replace furnace filters

If you have furnace filters maintain them by cleaning them. Also, replace them every once in a while at least after every 90 days. This is because dust and pet dander can easily lurk in the air ducts. Most of the filters have the manufacturer’s instructions on timing and frequency so follow them well.

Reduce pet dander

Pets shed some dander, which is airborne and can cause allergic reactions. A lot of pet allergens can be found in the saliva and dander of cats and dogs, therefore, try and reduce the amount of dander. Pets should not be allowed in the bedroom, especially if you are allergic. Maintain high levels of hygiene by washing your pet at least once a week.

Those who experience allergic symptoms can buy an air-testing kit to measure levels of allergens and determine the source. You can also use professional, effective dust control methods.

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