All About Removing Scratches From Glass

All About Removing Scratches From Glass

In case you have found scratches on a glass surface, you might be wondering how to remove it without damaging the glass. Whether it is a glass window pane, picture frame or tabletop – the scratched glass surface would look marred and unsightly. If the scratch is fairly small, you can easily remove it using highly effective homemade remedies. If you notice a superficial scratch on a glass surface and you plan to fix it yourself, here are some of the most effective homemade remedies to remove scratches from glass surfaces.

Clear nail polish is an effective remedy for removing scratches from glass surfaces. You can easily remove minor scratches on glass using this method. First, clean the scratch and the area around it with a commercial window cleaner. Wipe off the window cleaner with a soft cloth. The scratched area should be dry before you apply the nail polish to remove the scratch. Use the brush that comes with the nail polish and apply a thin layer of nail polish over the scratch. The polish should cover the scratch without being too heavy on it. Remove the excess nail polish with a nail polish remover afterward.  

A homemade solution made of white toothpaste, baking soda, and water is another effective fix for removing scratches from glass surfaces. Use a slightly damp cloth to rub the paste over the scratch. Apply it exactly on the scratch using a circular motion. Make sure that the paste doesn’t reach the area outside the scratch. Let the paste dry for about 5-10 minutes before using a soft cloth to wash the glass. You may have to do this several times before the scratch is completely cleared.

Metal polish is another effective home remedy for glass scratches. It is ideal for gently sanding large and delicate glass surfaces such as windshields. Get a clean dampen microfiber cloth and wipe all the dirt and debris from the glass surface. Let the glass dry before applying the metal polish over the scratch. Wrap a microfiber cloth around your fingers. The chosen cloth doesn’t leave threads on the glass surface. Dip the cloth in a little metal polish since too much polish can lead to additional scratches. Buy a metal polish that has cerium oxide as an ingredient for better results. Place the cloth on the scratch and move it in a circular motion for about 30 seconds. The scratch will lessen or completely disappear quickly. Use a clean cloth dampened in lukewarm water to wash off the polish.

In case the scratch in the glass surface is deep enough to catch the tip of your fingernail, it might be too deep to be repaired using homemade methods. Such a scratch should be fixed by a glass scratch repair company in the area. They have highly specialised equipment and trained staff to deal with all kinds of scratches on glass surfaces.

Removing a minor scratch on a glass surface isn’t difficult. The aforementioned article provides information on how to remove scratches from glass

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