What To Consider When Buying A Furnace – 4 Different Types Of Furnaces

A furnace is an appliance fired by gas, oil, electricity, or other sources of energy. The air or water that is heated is then circulated throughout the building in a heating system. A furnace is the main component in a Heating, Ventilation, and Air-Conditioning (HVAC) system. A majority of homes in the United States have furnaces or heating systems. Heaters can be fueled by electricity, oil, gas, wood, or other means. Your oven is the power behind your home’s heating system. The furnace you choose should first be based on the size of your home. Secondly when you encounter a fault in the system consider contacting a professional instead of fixing it yourself, air repair in Nashville by Green Street HVAC is one such expert.


Electric furnaces 

Their initial cost is cheaper than gas and oil furnaces and is also easier to install. But the cost of electricity remains much higher than gas and oil. An Electric heater will last ten years longer. The availability of electricity in most parts of the United States makes Electric heaters the better option in most homes. Electric furnaces have the advantage of being able to also be powered by solar panels. They are safer than gas furnaces due to no risk factors of leakage and actual fire present in the oven. You do not have to worry about carbon monoxide, and there are no toxic fumes. Newer Electric furnace models are much more efficient than the older versions.

Oil-fired furnaces 

They are less expensive than gas furnaces and have a longer lifespan of 30 years. It is an opportunity to use renewable fuel for home heating. It requires the installation of a storage container close to the site. You will not be able to heat your home should you forget to fill up your tank. This option is suitable for homes that have a larger space. Oil-fired furnaces require regular maintenance to enable them to keep operating at optimal efficiency levels. If your furnace is oversized, you may have a technician reduce the heating capacity by installing a smaller nozzle. Derating or replacing oil burners not only cuts the fuel bills but also makes it operate more efficiently. However, Oil-fired furnaces gather much dirt and are in constant need of cleaning to remove soot and carbon deposits on the surfaces. Oil filters have to be changed continuously.

Gas-fired furnaces 


They are the most preferred in over 50 percent of American homes. Gas-fired heaters are more expensive compared to oil furnaces, but it is also the cleanest burning non-renewable energy option. Gas produces more heat when burnt; therefore, it takes less to heat your home. They break down less often, are cheaper to repair; they are durable and can last up to 25 years.  Maintaining Gas furnaces is more accessible than oil furnaces because even with frequent usage, they don’t gather much dirt. However, you have to install carbon monoxide detectors if you use a Gas furnace because of possible carbon monoxide leaks.

Dual fuel furnaces 

They use heat pumps to transfer heat from the outdoors to your home in warm weather but switch to gas heating in cold weather. The air from outdoors is warmed as it passes over a coil of hot refrigerant; a fan then blows it into your home. The initial upgrading process is expensive, but the overall Dual fuel furnace is one of the most efficient systems on the market concerning energy and costing.

Propane furnaces 

They can be used almost anywhere and don’t need gas line installation. You will be able to heat your home once you connect your oven to the propane storage tank. However, you need to fill up your tank continually. It is an excellent option in places where gas and electricity cannot be relied upon. Propane furnaces can be adjusted to be able to use gas. Propane is very costly and continues to experience shortages. Propane furnaces have a lifespan of up to 20 years, but they are more expensive than most other fuel options. They produce minimal emissions as compared to electricity and oil. Regular checks are required to make sure that the furnace is effectively operating.

When choosing a heating system for your home, it is essential to consider several things such as; your local climate, region, ceiling height, number of outlets, and the size of your home. It is to the best of your interest to consider professional opinion when you need to purchase and install a furnace. You may realize that while Gas-fired heaters are efficient in some areas while electric or oil furnaces may be better options for other places. The best radiator for your home will depend mostly on the size of your home and efficiency rating. 

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