10 Tips for A Stylish Dorm Room

Every year teenagers across the country excitedly count down the days they have left until they head off to college. Why wouldn’t they? College is a life-altering, educational and wildly enjoyable experience. 

There are however some downsides, one of these being the very drab dorm room décor that that is crammed into a very small room. But do not lose hope, do not go running back home to your lovely childhood bedroom with vivid memories of the bland walls and floor that the RA wanted you to live in for the next year. 

Roll up your sleeves, tie up your hair and bring that room to life with these lovely dorm room ideas.


Image 1: https://unsplash.com/photos/IndbOxCrVio

Remember your roommate

Before launching into the hanging of your new dorm room decorations, you need to realize that you most probably are going to have a roommate. If you want to ensure the creation of a stylish room, then you will need to go through college dorm room ideas with them. 

This does not mean that you and your roommate need have matching furnishings, but it would help with the general aesthetic of the room if you can at least agree on a color palette and possibly a theme for your new home. 

Let your inner artist shine

It is quite probable that you won’t b able to paint your room or go bashing nails into the walls. But this certainly does not mean that the blank walls should be left entirely in peace for the rest of the year. 

Art can be your best of friends at the unlikeliest of times. Temporary wall decals, happy pictures on string and washi tape are more than enough to brighten up a room.

This room needs to be a calm and peaceful space

The academic stress at college never lets up; it actually only gets worse as you go higher up the ranks. At some point, you may even have a dissertation to write. 

When this time comes along, you don’t want to be sitting in a hostile dorm room with the thought, “I need to write my dissertation.” You need to be in a safe and happy room. One that has a comfortable bed, lovely throw pillows, a warm comforter and a good desk that is not crowded. And if that does not work, don’t stress out. An online writing service can do thesis, dissertation and college essay work for you in quick time. 

Lofts are cool

Even the most creative of minds can be stifled by a room that is just too small. Let the sky be the limit in this case. If you have a dorm with a high ceiling, then look into getting a loft bed. This sleeping pad will not only add a touch of style, but it will also open up space for dorm room décor and personalization. 

Lift in the absence of lofting

A high ceiling does not come standard with the all too high cost of tuition. If upon entering your new room, you discover that it is not high enough to loft then simply lift your bed a couple of inches off the ground. This too will provide for some much-needed space. 

Furniture with more than one use

There are two things that you need to bear in mind when buying furniture. These being, does it fit with your dorm room decorations and how useful is it. 

You want there to be coherence and coordination with your furniture and decorations, but you need this furniture to be functional. An ottoman is a great example as it can be a seat, but it can also be used to store things in hidden compartments. 


Image 2: https://unsplash.com/photos/Nh4Sxasye24 

Clutter is the enemy of style

It is very easy for excited young students to let their minds run wild with college dorm room ideas. This is a rookie mistake. Nothing says stylish like minimalism. Keep the trinkets down to a minimum, don’t overdo it with the scatter cushions, do not fill every wall with art and try to keep as much paraphernalia packed away as possible. 

Light it up

Subdued lighting from a desk lamp will add a dash of soft light to the room. This will bring out the colors in the space and it won’t keep your roommate up while you work late at night. 

Move stuff around

The standard dorm room layout is not necessarily going to suit your style. Don’t be afraid to move furniture around to find what works best. 

Nature is our friend

House plants have a marvelous way of bringing life and color into a room. A couple of pot plants scattered throughout the room will keep the air clean and will add a touch of vibrancy and freshness. There is no harm in stopping to smell the flowers after hours of studying. 

The bottom line

Your dorm room is going to be your home. It will be where you eat, where you sleep, where you drink and where you get mountains of work done. When you decorate your room, you need to remember this. Your room must be neither distracting nor boring. It must be comfortable and efficient. It must speak to you and speak of you. 

Speak to your roommate and work with them to create a veritable oasis for you both to flourish in. Throw some color around, put up pictures to remind you where you came from and rest your head on beautiful and comfortable pillows for a good nights sleep.

Author Bio:

Robert Everett is an academic writer, editor and proofreader working for online essay writing companies as a team leader. He also works as a student counselor helping them overcome their student life issues and achieve their goals with confidence. In his free time, he watches TV shows, plays tennis and writers travel blogs. He can be contacted via Twitter

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