10 ways to use your roaster oven for more than just turkey!

10 ways to use your roaster oven for more than just turkey!

People often think the roaster oven is just for Thanksgiving turkey and wrap it up right after the feast. But hold on, a roaster oven is a perfect utensil to make various other kinds of dishes. From desserts to barbecues, finger-licking fries to puddings, roaster ovens can make them all. 

In addition, all the trusted electric roaster brands have the perfect base to cook other meats and make delicious dishes. So, let’s find these other dishes that you can make with your roaster oven!

10 best dishes to make in a roaster oven

1. Harvest apple cake

Apple cake is a perfect breakfast cake that you can easily make in a roaster oven. Mix the batter with all the ingredients and set it in the roaster oven at 350F for 60 mins to bake the cake precisely. 

For the final touch, glaze it with caramel sauces, apple juice, and other tasty syrups of your choice. Using a roaster oven will bake the apple cake faster and give an even texture.

2 .Seasoned rice

Why eat plain rice when you can make tasty seasoned rice in a roaster oven? All you need is onions, the meat of your choice, and rice. 

Fry your spices, meat, vegetables, and rice, and then mix well before pouring it into the oven along with water. Let the roaster oven do the magic of making perfectly seasoned rice.

3. Meatballs

Cooking meatballs in a roaster oven is quite simple and easy. You just have to heat the oven at 250 F and place the meatballs and sauces in the pan. Then, let it bake for 50 mins to make delicious appetizers.

4. Roasted beef stew

The easiest recipe to cook in the roaster oven is beef stew. Simply put all the ingredients for the soup, seasoning, right amount of vegetables, and thinly sliced meat into the oven pan. Let it cook till the meat is tender and the vegetables are boiled. Then, the stew is ready to serve.

5. Traditional bread pudding

Bread pudding is everyone’s favorite dessert. You will only need to throw some nicely chopped bread, milk, sugar, eggs, vanilla essence, and warm water into the preheated roaster oven. Mix well and let it cook for 45 minutes. Then, you can serve it both hot and cold!

6. Baked potatoes

Who does not like baked potatoes? It is the easiest side dish to make in a roaster oven. Throw some potatoes and saltwater in the oven to cook for 20 mins. After cooking the potatoes, filter the water and add spices of your choice, and it’s good to go. You can also cook other vegetables along with them to give a spiced vegetable side dish.

7. Beef rib roast

All you need are perfectly sliced beef roast and garlic slices. Place them both into the roaster oven at 350F. Add spices to the meat and let it cook till the outer layer is perfectly roasted. The dish is best served with wasabi cream sauce. Don’t forget to try this dish if you are a beef fan!

8. Almond pound cake

Just like any other cake, the batter has to be precisely mixed with all the ingredients. Next, nicely butter the tube pan before the batter is poured into it. Then, place the tube pan into the oven and let it cook for 60 mins. You will see that the almond cake comes out very fluffy and neatly baked from the oven.

9. Pork barbeque

You can easily remove the rack and insert the pan from the oven when making a pork barbeque. Just heat the oven to 325F and place the pork in the pan. Let it cook as you make the sauce. Wait for 60 mins and pour the sauce over the pork and cook for a few minutes before serving.

10. Honey roasted spareribs

Pork spareribs are the easiest to cook in the oven. All you need is to roast the ribs at 350F in the oven with the well-seasoned marinade for 60 mins. Let the mixture cook till the meat is ideally soaked in the marinade and is ready to be served.


A roaster oven is not just for turkey. It can efficiently be used to make different cuisines and exotic dishes. The roaster oven aids in cooking any dish perfectly and at a precise temperature. This makes it the ideal choice to cook different recipes. Well, let’s not throw the oven back into the closet after Thanksgiving anymore!

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