8 problems that arise after buying a home (and how to solve them!)

On the way to finding the perfect house, we came to see so many new, used, one-storey, basement, finished, unfinished options that when we finally found one that comes close to what we dreamed of, we didn’t want to let it go and many times we rushed to start and finish the buying and selling process, letting pass details that, in a colder and calmer way, could have been foreseen.

This is not the end of the world, all these details have a solution, however we will have to pay attention once finalized the sale, to adapt the new house to the needs of the family and leave it absolutely functional and beautiful.

In this book of ideas we show you some little things that you can do when you make your new home, and we present a series of tips to solve them. Join us!

1.Post-Signature Procedures

According to commercial and residential real estate investors in Suffolk County New York a contract of sale does not end with the signature before the notary public, this is only the first step. After gathering the necessary documents, formalizing the contract specifying the method of payment, and once signing the parties at the notary’s office, follows a series of procedures that, although they are no longer so slow or cumbersome, you should not let them pass.

It is indispensable that you go with your copy of the deed, in case the contract is for a mortgage credit, or with the original deed if the payment was complete, to the offices of the Public Registry of the Property, so that from the state system this new property is added to your name and, in the case of the property, your name is added to the list of documents that guarantee it.

Subsequently, you must go to the Cadastre office of your locality and, with the documents of the Public Registry and with the deed, request the change of owner. This keeps your municipality’s property register up to date.

2. Non-regularized works

If the house has a recent visible extension or is in the process of being built, even if the same house is still under construction and you are going to buy it, they must provide you with the corresponding building licence. If they do not have it and you make the purchase, you will have to regularize this process by applying for a building permit to the office of Cadastre and Urban Administration. So that you know what we are talking about, these are the corresponding legal requirements. 

3. Corresponding Plans

It is very important to always have a set of executive plans of our home, for any modification, revision or reform that is intended to do in the future. When it comes to a new house in a development, relatively new, developers usually deliver a set of plans to new owners, including design proposals and expansion.

But when you buy a house from a third party, whether used or built independently, the old owners often do not have architectural plans. What you need to do is hire an architectural or engineering firm and ask them for a physical survey of the property, including the land, to draw up a set of plans. In this case you’ll get a description of the spaces and dimensions, but some details may not be included, such as power lines or materials in some areas. At least you will have a clear description of the building and most of its elements, and you will find it very useful.

4. Bathroom conditions

The bathroom is one of the most delicate spaces and at the same time wear more in a house. If, when you begin to live there, you discover that it has too much wear, it is necessary, for health reasons, to replace the coverings and to place a new insulator in the humid areas, to change the keys and valves and perhaps even the faucet. Remember that a single leak can bring many long-term problems, which you can prevent with this list of tips.

5.Natural Lighting and Ventilation Details

Maybe in the excitement of your new home, you didn’t realize there was too little natural light or too few windows. Well, that’s no small thing! It is very important that a house, to be healthy, has several entrances of sunlight and natural ventilation, preferably crossed. To do this you will need to be advised by a professional designer and start opening a wall, a skylight in the ceiling or a series of windows in the rooms so that much more light enters, preferably that they are on opposite walls to also allow proper ventilation.

6. Very limited spaces

When you first saw that house you loved, maybe one of the things you liked was that the spaces were separated and well defined with walls, walls or lattices. But if, when you get to live, you discover that they are perceived as very small, narrow or limiting in normal family traffic, it will be necessary to open spaces and tear down some separating wall. But watch out, go to a specialized engineer, not all the walls inside the house can be knocked down, some are the basic supports of the structure, be well informed!

7. Installations and foundations

When it comes to a new home there shouldn’t be these problems, but in a used home they usually exist and you need to check this before you start living in it. If there are power failures, the light bulbs are short-lived, the appliances are constantly turned off, or there is a lot of electricity or water bills, hire a specialist in the subject to review the infrastructure and make the necessary changes. It is better to invest in the first place than to pay high bills or emergency reforms in the future.

8. Building fences

Irremediably building side walls is necessary in these times, and generally new houses do not have them. Consider this expense from the time you plan your home repairs. Once the matter is resolved, dedicate yourself to enjoy while you decorate, you already have your new home!

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