Signs of Fly Infestations

Flies are never good news unless you have a lot of hungry spiders as they feed on flies. In fact, flies aren’t just a nuisance, they can carry many different diseases and are more than happy to pass them on to you.

That’s why you need to invest in a good led fly control unit and learn how to spot fly infestations.

Seeing Flies

This is one of the most obvious signs that you have a fly issue. If you are constantly seeing flies in your home then there’s a good chance that you have a fly infestation. Of course, it’s a good idea to minimize the attractiveness of your home to flies, you can do this by:

    Putting all waste in a closed bin

    Sealing the rubbish bag when you remove it from the bin and keeping it as far away from the house as possible.

    Cleaning your countertops regularly and washing up straight after you’ve eaten.

     Not leaving overripe fruit on the side.

In effect, you’re reducing the availability of food to the fly, which means they’re likely to go elsewhere looking for food.

Dark Spots

Look around your home, if you can see a collection of dark spots anywhere, with each dark spot being the size of a pinhead, then you’ve found the waste products of flies. Flies produce poop nearly continuously which means you’re likely to find multiple black spots in various locations around your home. The more you find the greater the infestation.

It’s worth noting you can also get collections of amber spots, this is the leftover residue of the acid they spit onto your food.


Maggots are the final stage before the baby fly becomes a full-grown fly and is ready to reproduce. They are usually found around food waste as this gives them a food source while they mature. They also make most people squeamish.

Seeing them indicates you already have flies laying eggs and the problem is likely to get worse. You’ll need to eliminate the maggots quickly if you don’t want them to become flies and repeat the cycle. 

Dealing With Flies

If you think you have a fly issue then it’s a good idea to call the experts, they’ll have the specialist equipment and tools to locate all the flies and eliminate them. You’ll need to make sure that they eliminate all of them and give you a warranty to back this up.

You should also look at ways of keeping the flies out, such as mesh curtains on your windows and doors, the LED fly control unit mentioned earlier, and natural fly repellants such as lavender.

But, most importantly, you need to eliminate the attraction of food and drink. Make sure there are no water sources available for the flies to drink from and clean all surfaces regularly with disinfectant while storing all open packets of food in containers and in your cupboards. 

If there are no food products for the flies to enjoy they’ll take their business elsewhere!

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