5 Things to look for in an artificial grass company

No matter what the current trend is, having a lawn filled with green grass, flowers, or even trees can definitely add beauty and class to your property. In fact, in all the different concepts of houses, may it be contemporary, modern, classical, traditional, or any other concept would ideally want to include a garden or lawn filled with grass. However, even with its advantages and benefits, homeowners would most of the time think twice about having a garden or lawn in their houses. This is because of two major reasons – maintenance and cost. You see maintaining a garden is no joke, even with enough budget, one would still need the skill and knowledge in order to maintain the beauty and health of plants and grass in their gardens not to mention the time and attention needed for it. That is why most people would just opt to skip gardens and just go for plain looking lawns. Who can blame them? Not all are blessed with green thumbs and have the budget to regularly maintain the grass in their gardens.

Fortunately, with the help of technological breakthroughs, artificial plants and grass have been developed and perfected in order to provide houses with the beauty of green grass and other plants without worrying of their decay and regular maintenance costs. With the right choice of artificial grass, homeowners can easily install that green and healthy looking set of grass in their lawns in just a short time and won’t have to worry about watering them regularly.

If you are one of those people that looks to add artificial grass on their lawns, then here are 5 things that you should look for in Artificial Grass Companies.

1. Colors

The very first thing that you should look into an artificial grass company is if they have different set of colors for their products. Yes, we all can agree that a grassy lawn should always be GREEN. However, not all gardens are filled with the green color. If you want to achieve a natural-looking garden, then you should also consider choosing those with brown color and other shades of color in order to achieve that natural contrast and mixture of the colors of nature.

2. Samples

The next thing you should check out is if the store has ready-made samples of their products. You should always get to see the artificial grass first-hand before doing the purchase. Try to touch and observe them in different locations with different ambiances in order to judge if they would be a good fit to your indoor or outdoor gardens.

3. Material

Artificial or synthetic grass is usually made up of or a mixture of the following materials; Nylon, Polypropylene and Polyethylene. These are all synthetic fibers that are durable and at the same time soft enough to exude the movements or sways of a natural grass. Nylon is the strongest of the three and Polypropylene is the weakest. Normally, we would recommend a mixture of these three material as pure nylon artificial grass would look hard and stiff.

4. Installation

Another thing to look out for is if the company offers installation services. You see, not all have the time to do the installation themselves nor the skill to do so. In the first place, you are choosing artificial grass because you don’t have the knowledge and skill for this kind of stuff, you just want that green and natural look in your lawns. Thus, make sure that get professionals to install your artificial grass.

5. Warranty

And lastly, getting a warranty for your eventual purchase is ideal. Even with all the research and meticulous picking, there is still that risk of failure and losing your money. Thus, it would be much safer for you and your money to secure a few years warranty or at the very least a free maintenance and inspection package for a year.


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