
At-home electrical safety tips

Electricity is dangerous and yet we rely on it every day. It’s used to light your home, perhaps heat it, power your television, cell phone, laptop, etc. 

Of course, sometimes things go wrong. Electrical issues are one of the biggest causes of fires, that’s why it is so important to be aware of your home electrical system and the following safety tips. It can stop you from being one of the people that are killed y house fires every year.

Get Checked

Most people go to the doctor for regular checkups to ensure their ongoing health. You should do the same with your electrical system. Get a qualified electrician to check your electrics every year, they can identify potential issues and resolve them before they cause a fire.

You’ll find that a company offering thermal imaging services is beneficial as they can identify leakage which increases the risk of fire and costs you extra money on your energy bill.

Power Cords

A power cord that is never touched shouldn’t give you an issue. But, one that is constantly moving will place strain on its joints and can be repeatedly coiled. This leads to a breakdown of the outer cover, exposing the inner wiring.

These cords should be replaced as soon as the damage is spotted. You can cover with electrical tape but this should be considered a temporary repair.


Overloading a circuit increases the risk of fires and shorts that can electrocute you. Plugging in multiple extensions or socket dividers is never a good idea. If there aren’t enough sockets in one area of your home get an electrician to fit a new circuit, it’s much safer and more convenient.

Avoid Water

You probably already know that water and electricity don’t get along. Water improves the conductivity of electricity. If you’re in contact with the water at the same time as the electrical supply you’ll complete the connection and the electricity will surge through your body, potentially killing you.

Child Safety

One of the most important electrical safety tips that all families should adopt is the use of socket covers. These plug into the sockets preventing them from being accessed by young children. The point is to prevent them from putting their fingers, or other items, into the sockets and giving themselves a nasty shock.

You should also consider keeping all electrical cords out of the reach of young children, they are generally very curious and can get into trouble with them.

Extension Cords

As well as avoiding overloading circuits you should try to avoid using extension cords anywhere in your home. These are particularly dangerous when they are not completely unraveled. The pile of electrical cable can warm up, melting the outer casing and causing a fire to start. 

Turn It Off

It’s advisable to get the professionals to fix any issue for you. However, if this is not an option, for whatever reason, you should always turn the power off at the mains before working on electrics. It’s the safest option.

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