Home Renovation and Asbestos Removal

While asbestos is no longer used in new buildings, your home may contain this toxic type of insulation if it was built during a certain period. If you discover asbestos in your house, it is important that you recycle it and replace it with a safe alternative as soon as possible. 


The Dangers of Asbestos 

According to the National Cancer Institute, exposure to asbestos can increase your risk of developing cancer. Specifically, asbestos exposure can cause mesothelioma, which is a rare type of disease that affects the thin membranes in your abdomen and chest. Asbestos can be dangerous even if you only breathe it in once, but the dangers of developing an asbestos-related disease increase as you spend more time around this substance. 

Identifying Asbestos 

The Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) has provided strict guidelines for the identification and removal of asbestos. Depending on where it has been installed, asbestos may look a lot like other types of insulation, or it may look like a type of foam. Since asbestos is fire-retardant, it may be installed in places where you generally wouldn’t look for insulation. Once you’ve found asbestos in your home, however, you’ll need to act quickly to make sure that this substance doesn’t harm you or your loved ones. Even if you aren’t sure if a substance that you’ve identified in your home is actually asbestos, it’s important that you seek professional help immediately. 

Don’t Disturb the Source 

While it might be tempting to take your home improvement needs into your own hands, asbestos removal isn’t a task that you’ll want to take on yourself. If you’ve identified a substance in your home that you think is asbestos, take some pictures and get out. While you may think that wearing gloves and a breath mask is enough to protect you against asbestos, this type of insulation is so pernicious that only experts should attempt to tackle it. Under no circumstances should you attempt home improvement by handling or disturbing any substance that you think is asbestos. While it’s a natural instinct to want to get asbestos out of your house as soon as possible, you’ll be exposing yourself to danger unless you seek professional help. 

Seek Professional Help 

The best way to eliminate the asbestos threat in your house is to seek out the assistance of professionals who have the tools necessary to get the job done right. Some asbestos recycling services have the tools at their disposal to recycle asbestos themselves, and others know all about the dangers of asbestos and can dispose of it properly. There are a number of official asbestos disposal and recycling services across the country that can get rid of this dangerous type of insulation without causing any environmental impact, and you should always work with professionals who are paired with these services. 

If you notice asbestos in your home, the most important thing you can do is avoid panicking. Take some time to assess the situation, and contact professionals who are qualified to help.

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