How to Keep Your Dream Home Pest Free

You have just got your perfect home and have happily moved in. There is just one problem, you seem to be attracting bugs and other pests. How can you keep your home pest-free?

 Of course, sometimes there is no option but to call in the professionals but there are also many things you can do to protect and defend your own home. By getting into good habits and performing some routine checks and maintenance you can lower the chances of being bugged by unwanted visitors. 

Check your roofing

Holes in the roof or gaps from storm damage can let pests in. If you end up with birds nesting in your attic you can find your insulation being damaged, droppings that can contain bacteria and will contaminate the area and if you end up with bats then you will have a lot more problems. It is illegal to remove or harm bats as they are protected. The EPA recommends prevention as the first rule of pest control and this will avoid problems with removal later.  

Clean regularly

Some pests, not all, prefer some dirt. Cockroaches, ants, and flies all like it when you leave some garbage or dirty dishes around. Keeping the kitchen area clean, washing up plates, and disposing of trash properly will help reduce the chances of getting visits from these pests.

 Drains are another area that needs looking at. Drain flies lay their eggs in the slimy areas of drains and pipes but you can get rid of them with natural pest removal remedies. Using baking soda, salt and vinegar it is easy to kill off the eggs and flies. Just mix a cup of white vinegar with half a cup each of baking soda and salt, pour this into the drain, and leave overnight. Use boiling water the next day to wash everything away. 

Controlling bed bugs

These little creatures can cause intense discomfort to those bitten and some people react very badly to the bites. Regardless of whether you have a reaction or not, you will want to get rid of these bugs as soon as possible.

 There are some indications you can look for if you believe bed bugs have moved in. If you find small dark spots on your bed sheets or the walls then you may have bed bugs. Other signs are a must odor appearing for no reason and lines of bites on you or other household members. They live in cracks in the wall, picture frames, clothing, furniture, and other areas and they are difficult to kill. They can go on for over a year without eating and are notoriously tough. In this instance, it is a time for the professionals, and clicking can bring you the advice and assistance you will need to get rid of these particularly nasty pests. 

Check and fill cracks in the walls

Along with filling in holes in the roof check walls in the house for cracks where pests can get in a nest. Ants like to make homes within the walls and they cause damage to your home as well as liking to eat your food.

 Look around your doors and seal any gaps where necessary to help keep pests out. Check around pipes and vents too. Anywhere that a gap leads to the outside is an invite for pests to enter your home. 

Use sealable containers

It is easy to grab the breakfast cereal from the cupboard, pour a bowl, and put it back but that open box is a big invite for pests. Keep food in sealable containers and Tupperware. Reducing odors and ways into the food means your kitchen will be less attractive to pests and you should reduce any risk of finding a mouse munching on your cornflakes. 

Remove damp areas

It is hard to avoid moisture sometimes especially in basements, attics, and with air conditioning units but damp attracts some pests. Reducing any damp areas as much as possible will mean you are not providing the habitat that many bugs like. Fix any leaky pipes and u-bends so there is no moisture building up. 

Choosing a pest control company

You need to consider some things when looking for a pest control company. Check with people you know if they have a recommendation then go on the internet to check websites and reviews. You can also look on the website to check for credentials, licensing, insurance, and the methods the company uses to make an informed decision. 


Termites cause more than $2 billion damage a year to property which is more than from fire or storms together so it really is important to check your home for signs of pests and keep them under control. There are many things you can do to help yourself but sometimes it is necessary to bring out the professionals to get rid of unwanted guests.

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