The Bookworm’s nook

The Bookworm’s nook

Reading is an activity which everybody takes up for some purpose or the other. For some, it is a daily dose of newspaper, some indulge in magazines and journals every now and then and there are some known as “bookworms” for whom, reading is soul feeding. For all such people, reading is a passion, it reflects in their habits, lifestyle and overall personality. Bookstores feel like being in fairyland castles and the smell of books is the sweetest scent to be savored.


It is a dream for every book-lover to have their own little nook, the one place where they can hideaway with their books, where they get lost into the fictional world of stories and characters which reside in those pages. Depending upon personal preferences, the bookworm’s nook could be a private hideaway or a casual sitting along with a showcase display of all the favorite and cherished books displayed like trophies.


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Books not only add color to the interiors, but also add a lot of quirk factor and interest to the overall vibe of a space. A lot of experiments can be done when designing a book nook. For instance, a space as small as a closet could be transformed into a nook so the bookworm to hibernate in its cozy shell surrounded by books. Little spaces under the staircases are often under-estimated and thus stay cluttered whereas they can actually do wonders for a book nook, all that is needed is a comfortable seating, a little stacking space for books and an appropriate source of light. A simple setting in small spaces like the ones by a window or near a fire place also make lovely nooks.

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There are certain places in every home which are neither too fancy, nor too functional and useful. Spaces like bay windows, attics, lofts can miraculously be perked up and transformed into a book-nook with simple additions of personal touch. These nooks are perfect setting to play with materials. A rich blend of exclusive materials can transform a regular space into an extra-ordinary one. Cushions in various sizes and vibrant colors can be used to top up the space with both additional comfort as well as attractive quotient. Use of curtains in rich fabrics and appropriate colors can serve the purpose of segregating a nook and making it a private place, as well as become the focus of the overall setting of the space.

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Color plays a prime role in building up the look of the space. Adding interesting hues further accentuates the look and aura of the space and makes it more vibrant. Keeping the colors coordinated with neutral back-drops creates an eye-catching as well as an overall relaxing appearance. White can serve as the basic background on which selective splashes of color can create a focus. Colors help open-up the space.

Last that comes to complete the nook design is the lighting. Good lighting is crucial to comfort. Natural light is the best source of illumination. Planning the nook besides a window gives a cheerful and energizing light along with providing with a refreshing view of nature to lift up the mood. A single pendant light can serve for basic illumination; however, getting in some playful and distinctive fixtures adds more interest. Pick among a tall standing lamp, a table light or any other that fits your space.

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