7 Interior Decor Tips For Spring

It’s springtime, the time of the year when the sunshine is warmer and the days are longer. It’s easy to feel renewed and refreshed, especially when you make the decision to clean out your place and introduce a few new ideas after some wintertime nesting. 

Springtime cleaning brings a breath of fresh air into your personal space. Something as simple as moving the sofa or cushion in the living room area, switching the bookcase, hanging wall art, buying a new table lamp or infusing a new splash of color to your living space can make a lot of difference. So, what are the best ways to decorate for springtime?


Declutter Your Personal Space

It’s that time of the year when everything goes in their place -clothes into the wardrobe, flower vases back onto the coffee table, and books into the bookcase. If you have any clothes you haven’t used within the past year, it’s time to box them up and send them to charity. 

Every item which hasn’t been used in a long time may be disposed of during springtime cleaning and seasonal items may be placed in storage boxes in the storage room. 

Uncluttering your personal space can help improve the quality of your sleep and help you to enjoy that fresh burst of air. So it’s out with the old and in with the new this season.

Reposition the Furniture

Before you move anything around, take an objective look around the room to see what it needs and what new accessories would fit, where and how. 

You can move the sofa or rocking chair closer to the window so you can look out the window and enjoy the scenery.  Also, move the bookcase against the wall if you haven’t done so already.

If your living room furniture is old, maybe get a new one like those from Hunter furniture for the sitting area or a new dining set for your dining area. Moving stuff around the house at springtime gives it a new and refreshing feeling. The same goes for unboxing a new artwork and replacing it with another one.

Splash a New Coat of Paint 

A new pop of color for the walls never fails to give a rejuvenating and festive effect. Colors bring joy and cheer, a pop of color brings a bright feeling of newness into the room and the people there. 

Pastel colors, shades of green also gives off this earthy, bright and serene feeling. It basically makes it look like you brought springtime to play in your home.

Springtime Bloom

Springtime and flowers go hand-in-hand. It’s time to get your flower vases back on the tables and stools as you enjoy the freshness of the blooming flowers. 

Fill your flower vases with tulips and daffodils. As the flowers bloom, it symbolizes the birth of new things. This is why taking the step to renew your home just goes in tandem with the season.  

New Beds and Beddings 

This is a good time to take out all the warm beddings from the past winter and bring in lighter, more colorful cotton fabrics for your bedroom. Springtime infuses a pop of colors and sunlight as opposed to the dark, wet and rainy weeks of winter. 

To enjoy the best of springtime get yourself new beddings and pillows for more comfortable rest time. Colorful throw pillows are also a great way to turn up your home for springtime. The shapes add a touch of difference while the colors are refreshing from the gloom of the past winter season. 

If you want to do a bit more, you can customize the beds and/or beddings with your name, your partner or your kids’ names. That’ll make them remember how special they are to you.

Springtime is Fresh Air Time

Don’t forget to open your windows to let in some air and sunlight. But if you suffer from pollen allergies, this will be a great time to get air purifiers.  

Letting sunlight into the home is a special art by itself as it throws light on stuff at home giving off that bright gorgeous healthy glow. It also gives you new ideas for designing and redecorating every part of your home.  

Acquiring air filters at a time like this will do you and your household a lot of good as the filters trap unwanted particles from getting into your home as well as preventing those allergens from getting in.

Raffia Doormats

During your next visit to the local farmers market, you can invest in a raffia foot mat to step up your style just because of its springtime.  These doormats are different from the wrought iron or vulcanized rubber doormats, they are more homey and playful, bringing a burst of cheer even to visitors standing in the doorway.

Springtime is a season that brings forth light and life, it’s the season that brings back the burst of energy as it inspires you to reflect as well as transform and birth new ideas. This season, revamp your space to enjoy the best of the season.

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