Tree Home Design Ideas

Tree Home Design Ideas

It’s time to make a nest and give wings of reality to your dream tree house. It is like a secretive place to play, a cocoon to enjoy your evenings, or simply just to go back to your childhood days. Making a tree house is like creating a nest behind your house, in your garden or any outer yard area. But before the construction of your dream nest you must consider few important things which really mean a lot. Construction of your dream nest should be based on strength, durability, design and accessibility (easy to access and have fun around whenever you feel like).


For your dream tree house you need to choose a healthy, living, hardwood tree for maximum support and strength with amazing and good  load-bearing branches of at least 8” in diameter. Its like giving your tree house a supportive and strengthen structure forever. There is no need  to build tree house at a very high height, it should be  just high enough so nobody gets a bump on the head when walking underneath it. Best trees to build up your dream house is  maple, oak, fir, beech and hemlock.

For a well maintained and balanced tree house do not forget to keep up the the platform as close to the trunk as possible and add diagonal bracing for that extra  and durable strength to support uneven loads.It provides stability and balance to your tree house and makes it more safe to sneak in.


But always remember one thing while making your tree house, never ever restrict the growth of your tree on which you are putting up the nest of your dreams. Let the tree grow more and more to provide more strength, durability, shade, coolness and calmness to you forever. Don’t constrict branches with rope, straps or wire. This can strangle the tree. Moreover add spaces between  the beams and the tree to allow movement, good air circulation and do not trap the growth of your tree.

For much of the balanced support balancel the floor level of the tree house. To keep a large tree house stable, center the load over the trunk and spread the weight among several branches accordingly and this manner you will balance the tree house weight with an intelligent move by just dividing its weight to various branches of the tree.


After the basic architectural construction of the tree house it’s time to move in and do some interesting and impressive design work. Try to ignore messy and over designed furniture, heavy accessories, unwanted curves and shapes. Keep it simple with woody design, keep it well connected with nature and tree green atmosphere. Try to come up with your light design senses to get well-designed and appreciable tree house settings.

Add on or customize your design settings with most necessary and essential furniture, keep it more with raw wooden texture for that original feel and class of tree house. Take up some glass work to the walls and windows of the house to enjoy the sight of nature day and night. Let your tree house glow up well in the evening and night hours with some effective exterior and interior illuminations and decorative placement.


But on the other hand do take care of tree damage by just adding up few considerations in your mind for a healthy and durable tree house. Do not over stress the tree with too much of load and supports. Consider using one or two supports to take stress off the tree. Make the fewest punctures necessary to support the tree house safely and this makes life your tree and treehouse more durable and long lasting. Avoid using fasteners too close together, which can weaken that section of the tree and can affect the tree live directly. And last but not the least try to avoid sliding cables and ropes over branches. After all it’s your tree house so you are responsible to take care of your sweet little dream and make it more durable and strengthen forever.



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