How To Create A Quiet Space In Your Home

How To Create A Quiet Space In Your Home

After a long day at work, all you want to do is go home and take a rest. However, even that could be a luxury if you have kids. If there are screaming toddlers or barking dogs after dealing with nine hours of angry customers or nagging boss, you will need to have a place to keep your sanity intact. That’s why we have listed tips on how to create a quiet space in your home.

Pick Your Space
Take a quick tour of your entire home. Look for a place where your kids rarely go. This is usually where they are scared, like the basement and even the laundry area. Also, look for a secluded spot outside the house, somewhere you’ll be comfortable staying, but people in your household won’t bother going to.

It could be in the garden, patio or terrace. That can be a challenge especially to small houses, but there should always be an area where you can claim as your very own. Then let everyone know that you’re the only one who can go there. Explain why so that they can respect your quiet time without questions.

Create A Soundproof Room

Another way to create your quiet space is by turning an underused room into your “mental break” room. You can consider soundproofing a room so that you won’t hear everyone else even if they’re just a wall away. Imagine how peaceful it will be in your soundproof haven. You can install a nice sound system for some soothing music.

A Single Chair


There’s no better way to invite people into your space than having multiple chairs. For your quiet place, it’s a must to let everyone know that you want to be alone on your quiet time, so prepare a small table and chair for only one. What’s important is that you let everyone else know that you need some peace, so space won’t accommodate some more people.

Create A Library Or Home Office

If you have an extra room in your home, convert it into a library or home office. Everyone knows that it’s not allowed to be noisy in a library or an office so even your kids will turn the noise down when they are near this room. Set up some cabinets or shelves for books. This is where you can set up your computer even if you don’t have the intention of using it here.

Set Up A Man Cave

A man cave is off limits to the kids and the wife. It will serve as a quiet room for you or a place where you can have a few drinks and a game of pool with your friends on the weekend. Set clear rules that it’s a man cave, so it’s only for you. In that note, you’ll also have to be prepared to clean it yourself.

Pick A Window With A Nice View

If you spend most of your day in front of a computer, it will help you relax and soothe those tired eyes by looking out a window with a beautiful view.  You may set up a comfy solo chair in front of a window with a cup of coffee. Busy streets and traffic will amazingly turn into a relaxing scene if you’re looking down at them and not being actually in it.

Paint The Walls Dark

A small room painted with dark and neutral colors could quickly turn into a quiet room. The less attractive the colors of the walls are, the more it becomes relaxing for the mind and makes you unwind with your own thoughts. Bright colors make your thoughts active and will make you think more instead of relaxing.

Soak In Privacy

Your bathroom is probably the most quiet place in your home so why not turn it into your sanctuary? You can always set a specific time for you alone in your bathroom or spend an hour soaking in the bathtub while you relax your tired body and mind.

A nice warm bath is always a great way to unwind and relax. If you always rush in the morning to take a shower and run off to work, you may appreciate your bathroom if you need to spend an hour in total silence.

These days, life is becoming more and more hectic and out of control. Most of the time, going somewhere is not an option so you need a place in your home where you can go away without actually leaving. Quiet space is just what you need. A little “me time” can go a long way in keeping your mental focus. Go ahead and look for your little spot where you can curl up and read a book or just be taken away by your thoughts.

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