How To Choose the Right Windows For Your Home

How To Choose the Right Windows For Your Home

If you have old windows, replacing them could see a boost in energy savings and there will be improved aesthetics with the exterior of your home. There are different styles, features, and materials to choose from which can make the whole process overwhelming. Since you’ll be spending a significant amount on the replacement, it’s imperative that you’re doing the research before making any decision. If the installation is done right, the new windows are expected to last up to 10 years.

New or Replacement Windows

This probably the first challenge you’re likely to get yourself in.  In order to determine the right choice for you, it’s important to know the difference between new and replacement windows.

New windows:  This is often seen as the best solution if you’d like to change the shape or size of the windows in your home. A professional contractor will be required for the work to be done right. Generally, new windows are just the same price as a replacement. You’ll end up paying more because of the additional labor costs that come with the installation.

Replacement windows: Replacement windows will involve removing the old ones while still using the same frames. They’re a slightly cheaper alternative because the cost of labor is not as high as that of a new replacement. You can have replacement windows in different sizes depending on the manufacturer that you’ll be working with. You can check out EZ Window Solutions for custom window replacement solutions.

Window Style

Once you’ve made the decision between new and replacement windows, the next hurdle to overcome is choosing the window style. A window replacement will be limiting the styles that you can go for.

Single or Double-hung Windows: Most homes will have this style of windows. With a single hung window, you can open it from the bottom moving up. Double glazing windows provide the flexibility of opening it up from the top or the bottom. Double-hung windows are ideal if you’d want to improve the airflow in your home or office. check out double glazing Bristol for more details 

Sash Materials and Window Frames

The next step after deciding the style of window will be the materials to be used. Wood and vinyl are the most popular materials that are used for window frames. You can also go for aluminum frame windows but will not be as energy-efficient compared to wood or vinyl.

Wood: Wood is an ideal choice as it can be finished in different styles and provide solid insulation properties. The downside is that wood will require substantial maintenance in order for it to continue looking good.

Vinyl Windows: Vinyl has been increasing in popularity because it offers almost the same benefits as wood, is cheaper, and also easy to maintain. It also provided reasonable insulation,

Choosing Window Glass

The next step will be to choose the glass for your windows. There have been numerous advancements in technology over the years that have made it possible for manufacturers to include additional layers of insulation in their windows. One thing that is worth noting is that the number of panes has nothing to do with the insulation property of the window glass. Instead, you should be focusing on air between them.


Window Quality

As with everything in life, you get what you pay for. When you compare prices online, you don’t want to go for the cheapest as they’re likely to be made from inferior products. Even if you’re on a budget, you’ll still want to make sure to get quality windows. A good hack is not to replace all the windows at once. You can start with the ones that are in bad shape as you do the replacement in phases. Taking shortcuts could result in paying more for the windows in the long-run.

Window Warranties

Look at the warranties that are provided by the different manufacturers with a special focus on the glass. One of the most common complaints about insulted windows is the fogging in between the panes. Research on manufacturers with a reputation for producing quality products. A company that has been operational for a couple of years will be there even when you want to claim your warranty.

Getting The Right Window Installation Contractor

Ideally, you should be looking for an authorized installation contractor. That means that they’ve gone through the necessary training for installing the specific windows that you intend to buy. For references, you can start by calling the local Home Builders Association. This makes it easy to get the local contractors in your area.

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