Eco-Friendly Heat Treatment for Bed Bugs

How Bed Bugs Enter Your Home

Yes, bed bugs 1are predominantly found in your bed, but they are unlikely to have entered your home in your mattress. If you are worried about bed bugs or have a problem in your home already, you likely want to know how bed bugs get into your home.


Here are some of the ways these pests get in, as well as some advice on how to prevent them.

Your Mattress

We said it was unlikely, but it’s not impossible. This is especially the case if you bought your mattress second hand.  It can be tempting to pick up what looks like a perfectly kids mattress from outside someone’s home.  Some people would even grab one that looks ok near a dumpster. This is definitely not advisable. If it has been left outside, there are plenty of opportunities for bed bugs to make it their home—plus, chances are it was thrown away for a reason.

Someone Else’s Mattress

It doesn’t matter how clean your hotel mattress looks. It can still be home to bed bugs. As they are small and hard to detect, they can make their way from the hotel bed onto your clothes or in your bag without you knowing. Bed bugs could have made their way into your home by hitching a ride on you.

Upholstered Furniture

Another culprit can be just about any second-hand furniture. Even if it is from a reputable second-hand shop, upholstered furniture can be an easy place for bed bugs to hide undetected, especially once they have made it beneath the upholstery itself. An Eco-Friendly Heat Treatments for Bed Bugs in Chicago is one of the few options that can get rid of bed bugs from upholstery. Traditional cleaning methods often do not suffice.

The Cinema

Yes, you could be happily watching that film you’ve been excited about, only to get home and unknowingly help bed bugs to enter your property. The conditions in the cinema are actually perfectly suited to bed bugs with plenty of cloth surfaces and a plethora of visitors to bring them in. They could be hiding in your seat without you knowing.

A Friends House

If you have visited a friend or family member recently and they have had an infestation, you could be next. Even if it was a recent problem or something that you aren’t even aware of yet, a bed bug can easily transfer from one home to another on your clothes.

As you can see, sometimes there is little that can be done about stopping bed bugs from entering your home. None the less, most people are lucky enough to go long periods in between bed bug infestations. Unfortunately, you might not be so lucky. If you frequent hotels a lot or buy furniture often, then you might be transporting these unwanted bugs into your home. If this is the case, then consult an expert today to help eradicate them for you.

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