Do You Have to Hire an Exterminator For a Bed Bug Infestation?

Having a bed bug infestation is one of the worst things that could happen in your household. They’re a nuisance and it will be almost impossible for one to be comfortable while sleeping. The first thing you should do is to look for an exterminator as you don’t want the problem getting out of hand. Getting an experienced exterminator can be a challenging endeavor. You should make sure that the person is experienced with bed bug eradication as you don’t want to have to call another exterminator a few months down the line. Even though you can get rid of the bed bugs, it will be a lot more convenient if you can look for Easy Bed Bug Treatments in NYC – Beach Bed Bug Exterminator.


DIY Solutions

A lot of DIY remedies will claim to be able to get rid of the bed bugs completely. DIY solutions are not recommended if you’re dealing with a full-blown infestation. With home solutions, you will sometimes be required to apply it on individual pests which might not be effective. Bed bugs are good at hiding and the remedy that you could be using might not be able to get rid of them completely. The bed bugs are also very small when they’re not fully mature. It is not possible that you will find every bed bug and apply the home remedy. You could end with furniture that smells like peppermint when you opt for a DIY solution.

Does Bed Bug Spray Work?

There are several bed bug sprays on the market with each claiming to be the best. It can be an overwhelming endeavor trying to make a decision on the product to use. Just like DIY remedies, they’re usually not that effective when it comes to dealing with the infestation. Bed bugs have also evolved over the years and are resistant to some common insecticides. You won’t be doing yourself any good if you choose to go the spray route. You might get rid of them for a couple of days but don’t be surprised when you start getting the bites after a couple of weeks. You will also need to take extra precaution when handling chemicals.

Is it Possible to Get Rid of Bed Bugs Permanently?

If it is a DIY solution, there is always a chance that you might not get to clear all the bed bugs. When it becomes a recurring problem, it means that the solution is not as effective as you thought. You might have hired an exterminator but still experience the same problems over and over again. This is a challenge that is common in multi-family housing where there are a lot of household items. Bed bugs can easily latch themselves on clothing and it will be hard to spot them, especially when they’re at the immature stage. The only way you can ensure that you’re getting rid of the bed bugs completely is by being diligent with inspections. If you live in an apartment, make sure you notify the property manager as you don’t want to the infestation spreading to other houses. If you have an issue with bed bugs, it is possible that your neighbors do too.

Hiring an Exterminator

 Hiring an exterminator should be a no brainer, especially if you’re dealing with a full-scale infestation. An experienced exterminator is likely to know what to do so that the bed bugs are eradicated completely. When you’re looking for an exterminator, you want to make sure they’re experienced with bed bugs because they can be a nuisance. Make sure you’re asking about the chemicals to be used. Ideally, the chemicals should be environmentally-friendly and easy on the nose.

A good exterminator will ensure that the bed bugs are being eliminated at every stage of the development. This will include destroying the nest and all the eggs too. This will not be possible if you’re using DIY solutions.

What Does an Exterminator Use?

An exterminator will use a variety of strategies to get rid of bed bugs. It is not always about the chemicals that are used. The house will need to be prepared first before anything else. After spraying the mattress to kill the bed bugs, they will put encasements which are meant to prevent future infestations. This will also make future inspections a lot easier. To sum it up, make sure you call an experienced exterminator once you notice you have a bed bug infestation.

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