Finding Out If Weighted Blankets Can Help Teenagers?

Weighted blankets have become quite popular in recent times as a therapeutic aid for alleviating sleep and anxiety issues. They have proved to be immensely beneficial for small kids but need to be used with caution. The size of the weighted blankets must be chosen with care for small children to rule out any suffocation issues. Weighted blankets have proved to be useful across all age groups including teenagers. 

As per the ADAA or the Anxiety and Depression Association of America, sleep disorders and anxiety issues seem to be complementing each other. Teenagers having anxiety issues may also complain of sleep disturbances such as insomnia and restlessness. For some teenagers, insomnia could even trigger an increase in the level of stress and anxiety that is the reason why the ADAA feels that it is sometimes quite challenging to determine precisely which issue occurs first. Many children with ADHD suffer from difficulties in self-regulating and calming down.

As per, Occupational therapists have been using these weighted blankets for quite some time now and they have realized the true worth of these therapeutic blankets in easing and controlling anxiety and stress symptoms efficiently. These weighted blankets have been used for assisting children with anxiety and sensory issues including children suffering from ADHD. In this context, you must know that these weighted blankets are not supposed to be the tools for the occupational therapists alone. These blankets are very much part of the mainstream today and have gained huge popularity. They are quite useful for children as they promote self-soothing. If your question is can a weighted blanket help with anxiety, the answer is a vehement yes, but it may not be a great idea to use these blankets in case of toddlers and infants. However, teenagers are immensely benefitted by the use of weighted blankets.                                                                                                                                                       

Teenagers & Anxiety Treatments

The ADAA provides a few anxiety relief recommendations and diverse potential treatments for relieving anxiety in teenagers. However, before initiating any treatment, it is important to speak during work hours, to your doctor to seek his permission. Some possible anxiety-relief treatments for your teenaged child would be: 

Meditation:  Meditation is the way to go for teenagers who are not able to control their anxiety. You could simply perform some deep breathing exercises for reducing anxiety and assisting teenagers in managing their symptoms.

Perform Exercises Regularly: As per the ADAA, there seems to be a robust connection between reduced anxiety and exercise. You do not need to do rigorous or lengthy exercises. Scientists have discovered that doing aerobic exercises regularly could decrease your overall tension and anxiety levels and help in elevating and stabilizing your mood, enhancing sleep, and boosting self-esteem. Just five minutes of regular aerobic exercises could start stimulating anti-anxiety effects.

Conclusion: Redirecting Anxiety Pays

Many teenagers find that releasing effectively their nervous energy could be a great way of reducing anxiety. Suppose your teenager is suffering from stress and anxiety, you could start taking walks together or work together in yard maintenance. A teenager with anxiety issues must redirect his energy towards volunteering for community service. 

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