Five Easy And Effective Ways To Make Your Home Appear Bigger

A lot of discomfort comes with living in a small space. It is normal to start to feel confined and suffocated, like your walls are closing in on you. There are solutions to this problem, with various effective ways that can be utilised to make your home appear bigger. Below are five ways to make your home appear bigger:

Use Floor-To-Ceiling Shelves: Making use of floor-to-ceiling shelves in the home offers two major advantages, that helps your space to appear bigger. For one, it helps you to get rid of floor clutter, eliminating the need to have things laying around all over the place. By using the wall space to shelve stuff, the room appear less clustered and bigger. Another thing that floor-to-ceiling shelving does is that it makes your ceiling appear higher by drawing the eyes upward. Floor-to-ceiling shelves can be used in your living room, bedrooms and kitchen. 

Remove Clutter: You can not expect your home to appear big, when you fill all every available space with stuff. A minimalist decoration is the best approach to leave your home looking bigger. Remove all the items that you do not use regularly, and store them somewhere safe. You should also remove any furniture that block natural light or pathways around the house. Store clothing items and shoes properly as they add to clutter in the home. Decluttering can go a long way in making your home appear bigger. 

Painting: The painting of your home can greatly affect how big it appears. Dark painted walls makes the home feel smaller, as they can not reflect light. Bright paint colors on the other hands gives a room all the light that it needs. Colors such as white, yellow, cream and grey have light reflecting abilities that makes your room appear bigger. Try to change the color of your space to a brighter shade preferably one that suits your decoration. 

Mirror: Using mirrors in the home is one trick that never fails to work. This is because have the ability to reflect light. It could be as little as a tabletop mirror or a large floor mirror. As long as you place it opposite a window, the room apppears larger. To make the mirrors more effective, remove all clutter in the room. This will prevent the mirror from reflecting clutters. 

Create A Room Within A Large Room: One of the best ways to make your home appear larger is to create a room within a room. This can be achieved through balustrade installations to demarcate the areas. Breaking a room into two will not only make the home appear bigger, but also make the rooms more functional. A glass balustrade will work perfectly, making your home look bigger and also adding beauty to the space. 


Following these tips will make your home appear bigger. However it is important that you maintain it properly. Do not go back to cluttering the house after a month.

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