6 Tips For The Successful Maintenance Of Your Water Fountain

6 Tips For The Successful Maintenance Of Your Water Fountain

Water fountains add an extra dimension to your outdoor space. Their overall ambiance makes your yard more soothing while adding to the beauty of your landscaping. However, these fountains do need additional maintenance when compared to other additions to your backyard space. To ensure that your outdoor water fountain will provide many years of enjoyment, use these tips to keep it in tip-top shape.

1. Find The Right Place To Install Your Water Feature.

You’ll dramatically extend the life of your water feature by placing it in a suitable location. These fountains work best in low traffic areas, especially when there are active children or pets in the home. While you want to be able to see it easily, you’ll need to find a spot where it won’t be battered by high winds.

2. Make Sure The Installation Is Secure.

Strong winds have been know to topple water fountains that were not securely placed. The basin of the fountain must be secured to the base which, in turn must be firmly affixed to the ground. When the weather turns bad, you can be sure that your fountain will remain firmly in place.


3. Use The Right Cleaning Products To Clean Your Water Fountain.

Water fountains are made from a variety of materials including copper, stainless steel, and concrete. The cleaning products that you use for your water fountain must work with the materials used in the fountain. As much as possible, you should avoid using abrasive cleaners. Additionally, use the right sort for your fountain type – a Campania water fountain may use different materials to say a wall water fountain or a small indoor one.

4. Clear Debris Such As Leaves On A Regular Basis.

In outdoor water fountains, it is common to find bird droppings, algae, twigs, leaves, and other contaminants. In order to prevent problems with water flow, these contaminants must be regularly removed.

5. Clean The Water In Your Fountain Once Every Two Days.

Outdoor water fountains are popular with all types of birds as drinking and bathing stations. If the water inside your fountain is allowed to get too dirty, the fountain won’t last as long and will cease to operate efficiently. That’s why the water must be cleaned or replaced at least once every other day at a minimum. The task won’t take long to do if you regularly perform it.


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