Bright and Colorful home decor

Bright and Colorful home decor

Home sweet home with simple colors, sober but dull designing is not just enough these days to live in. We need to render up our home sweet home with some refreshment, brightness and life. To come out of the monotonous and fatigue home settings it is essential to bring out your bright and colorful palate of imaginations and innovative ideas. Flourish your home environment with colors, brightness, charm and styling. Best way to give your home a complete makeover with new and bright ideas is to refresh it with different colors, by applying successful use of color themes, contrasts, patterns etc. Simplicity can be achieved even with the cleaver play of patterns, themes, colors and designs.


To get well rendered and bright home you need to understand colors, their effects, discover their qualities and then play with them. Gather up bright colors like red, yellow, orange, blue pink for kid’s rooms setting. Let the walls go with pale yellow, baby pink, light blue etc. but charm up the furniture with bright colors for a good contrasts and bright room decors and design. Mix up the furniture well with floor designing or a placement of bright colorful rug will also do its work of charm and brightness. Give curtains fabric a sweet and innovative looks with cartoon prints, floral prints or bold pattern prints. It gives a real pinch of refreshment and brightness in your kid’s room.


Make your living area and dining area more interesting and effective with the application of some bold colors, textures and accessories. Try to make your choices bit bold and unique. Come out from the regular colors and patterns which are being used and applied since years without any major change and modification. Implication of bright colors like red, purple, dark pink, orange, brown in some patches or to a full wall may create an impact of amazing and bright room design. To enhance the quality of design and décor addition of few bright accessories like table lamps, wall paintings, hanging lamps, table show pieces, an ash tray, table or corner sculpture etc. will definitely lift up the bright settings as desired by you.  For the complete package of bright design and decors put on the rugs with different bold and thick patterns. They are simply like add on beauty to the world of brightness. They work equally well and amazing as carpets or any other flooring covers.


Not just the wall colors, furniture designing, floor pattern or ceiling design does matters to bring back the lost brightness of the interiors. One more important and secretive tool is the fabrics; curtains, draperies, sofa covers, cushions, table covers, bed sheets, etc. make a silent impression to enhance the beauty and brightness of the décor. They simply come in the décor part of the interiors and if not taken good care of them they may ruin up your design settings. Stuff up your simple sofa with four to five colorful cushions and see the change. They add an instant brightness to the living area. Simple change in curtains in every 6 months or a year is like giving a major makeover to your interiors with just minor efforts on your pocket and hard work.


Make your home smell bright, colorful and lively with some of the color effects, minor changes in fabrics, accessories the décor part or just by including the bright and bold patterns to the design ideas, wall patterns, furniture styling etc.  Home is the place where we spend most of our time, have lots of dreams connected with it so just keep it cheerful, happy and refreshed to give you a positive and great ambiance forever.


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