5 Tips to buying the best earplugs for sleeping

Sleep is important to the body’s overall health. And not just any amount of sleep, but ample sleep. To enjoy a comfortable sleeping time, one of the essential tools that one can use are earplugs. Earplugs are a great solution for people that have partners with a snoring condition and those that work overnight and are left struggling to get some sleep during the day amidst the noise.

While there are various types of earplugs all over the market, some are not as effective as illustrated by the sellers. Selecting the right earplugs that can block even the slight sound of a mouse passing by is possible if one knows what to look for. The best earplugs for sleeping should be perfectly designed to solve noise problems and offer a soundless sleep. Below are some tips that you can use when buying earplugs.


The durability of any item bought needs to be among the top factors to be considered before purchasing the item. Earplugs can be bought at reasonable prices, but that should not mean that you should be willing to buy them every few weeks or months. Whether you are buying your earplugs from online sites like eBay or Amazon, or from the local store, ensure that they will last you several months before the next purchase.


Earplugs are made from various materials which include foam, silicone, wax or polymer. Wax, foam and silicone earplugs are among the top recommended with wax earplugs containing both wax and cotton thus making them soft and comfortable to wear with the wax forming a seal for noise reduction. Foam earplugs fit well into the ear canal due to the polyurethane foam that they contain. The material should also be easy to clean without expanding and therefore reusable.


The safety of your ear canal and mostly, eardrum matters a lot when it comes to selecting the ideal size of earplugs. They should be easy to insert and remove during wearing, sliding in smoothly without posing any risk. The earplugs should not be too small, giving you a hard time when inserting them forcing you to push them in since this can damage your eardrum in case they get stuck.


With everybody having different sleeping positions, the best earplugs are those that are comfortable to wear despite how someone sleeps. Whether you are sleeping on your stomach, on your back and mostly on your side where your ears will be slightly pressed onto your beddings exerting pressure on your eardrum, the earplugs should offer you the comfort you need to sleep peacefully.


Not all earplugs can block out all the noise from the surroundings and you might want to still be able to hear your alarm clock, but the best earplugs should block out most of the noise. Earplugs made from wax and foam are recommended due to the ability of the materials to seal the canal blocking most noise.

Ample, comfortable and quality sleep will help your body relax more and improve your health. Earplugs will provide a solution to your sleeping issues, but you should also limit their usage and clean them well. Long-term use of earplugs can limit the elimination of wax from the ear canal causing ear infection and the growth of bacteria.

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